Resultaten (9)
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Coolen Basic Attack System Examination Requirements Part 1
5e kyu – 1e kyu
2023 || Paperback || Rob Coolen || Boeken uit Limburg
Ju-jitsu is not a sport, but a way of life. When you come to train in my ju-jitsu school you start an education, no obligation to do sports and learn tricks but a thorough training of your physical and mental resilience. You can train to a certain level or practice ju-jitsu as a life path, even into your old age.
In this book you will find a description of the complete Coolen Basic Attack System, level 5e kyu until 1e kyu.
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2023 || Paperback || Rob Coolen || Boeken uit Limburg
The Dan exam requirements are worked out in a clear and orderly manner. Practice has shown that there are uncertainties about the established examination requirements. As a result, I have decided to work out in detail the entire Dan exam requirements for the different Dan degrees. This document should therefore ensure that candidates can better prepare for a Dan exam, and also that the examination of the exams will become less complex.
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Waffen SS
2023 || Paperback || Rob Coolen || Boeken uit Limburg
With protection of the individual soldier in mind, the German army introduced a camouflage tent material in the early 1930s. It was the second army in the world to incorporate this idea into production. The material presented a brown, green and tan printed fabric which , in principle, would blend with the landscape. Originally, the Italian army created the first brightly colored camouflage tent in 1929. It should be noted that the design, model, and shape of this material was not modified unt...
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2023 || Paperback || Rob Coolen || Boeken uit Limburg
Krijgskunstsystemen zijn geen willekeurige verzameling technieken. Elke krijgskunst ontstaat uit een culturele en door de omgeving samengestelde matrix en wordt gecreëerd door individuen die daar de belichaming van zijn. Het creatieve genie van de individuen schuilt in de unieke wijze waarop zij hun individuele karakters en spirituele waarden tot uitdrukking lieten komen in de krijgskunsten die zij ontwikkelden.
Als je alleen maar ju-jitsu beoefent, dan beoefen je ju-jitsu door de ogen van ...
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Seishinkai Ju-jitsu International
2023 || Paperback || Rob Coolen || Boeken uit Limburg
This document should therefore ensure that candidates can better prepare fort the Kime-no-Kata (5th Dan)exam, and also that the examination of this exam will become less complex.
We explain first the general elements of the Kime-no-Kata. Second the requirements of evaluation. Third the definition of mistakes. Mistakes are divided in: Forgotten technique / Major mistake; Big mistake; Medium mistake; Small mistake.
There will be a list of evaluation criteria when there will be a mistake in the ...
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Seishinkai Ju-jitsu International
2023 || Paperback || Rob Coolen || Boeken uit Limburg
This document should therefore ensure that candidates can better prepare for the Goshin-Jitsu-no-Kata (4th & 5th Dan) exam, and also that the examination of this exam will become less complex.
We explain first the general elements of the Goshin-Jitsu-no-Kata. Second the requirements of evaluation. Third the definition of mistakes. Mistakes are divided in: Forgotten technique / Major mistake; Big mistake; Medium mistake; Small mistake.
There will be a list of evaluation criteria when there wil...
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2023 || Paperback || Rob Coolen || Boeken uit Limburg
In het CBT-System worden verdere noodzakelijke vaardigheden, drills, kata’s en kapstokken behandeld, uitgelegd en gedemonstreerd om een complete ju-jitsuka te worden.
Indien een meerwaarde voor een onderdeel is er een QR-code opgenomen, die na het scannen, het filmpje van het betreffende kata c.q. drill laat zien.
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Handleiding Ju-Jitsu leraar opleiding
2022 || Paperback || Rob Coolen || Boeken uit Limburg
Het boek is een must voor al diegene die ju-jitsu gestructureerd, verantwoord en veilig willen doceren.
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Katas & Combinations & Drills
2023 || Paperback || Rob Coolen || Boeken uit Limburg
Ju-jitsu is not a sport, but a way of life. When you come to train in my ju-jitsu school you start an education, no obligation to do sports and learn tricks, tricks and tricks but a thorough training of your physical and mental resilience. You can train to a certain level or practice ju-jitsu as a life path, even into your old age.
The Coolen Basic Training System is a follow-up to the Coolen Basic Attack System in which the responsible basis is laid for a development to the 1st Kyu (brown be...