Resultaten (123)
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With Hitler for Mother Russia
The History of Patriotic Soviet Collaborators
2022 || Paperback || Perry Pierik || Aspekt B.V., Uitgeverij
About 1 million inhabitants of the Soviet Union collaborated with the Nazis. This is a remarkable fact, because the Nazis, thanks to their racial policy, could not really be considered allies. And yet it happened. The aversion to Bolshevism and the hope for new freedom opened up a horizon in which collaboration between the Soviet peoples and the Germans seemed to offer a better alternative than the ‘Soviet paradise’. Historical oppression and bloody experiences played a major role in this...
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Roemenië, nazi-Duitsland en operatie 'Barbarossa'
2021 || Paperback || Perry Pierik || Aspekt B.V., Uitgeverij
Geteisterd door de gevolgen van revisie van de grenzen in Midden-Europa koos het Roemenië van Maarschalk Ion Antonescu voor een wapenbroederschap met Nazi-Duitsland. Het was een duivelspact. De Roemeense Joden werden geofferd en het Roemeense leger ging ten onder in Stalingrad. Aan de hand van Diepgravend archiefwerk schets de auteur de gevolgen van deze fatale gebeurtenissen
DR. Perry Pierik promoveerde in de Geopolitiek. Van zijn hand verschenen verschillende boeken over de Tweede Wereldoo...
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Erich Ludendorff
2023 || Paperback || Perry Pierik || Aspect Publishers
There are several biographies about Erich Ludendorff. What most of them have in common is that they stop at the year 1918, the end of the First World War. This is un-justified. At the peak of his long career, between 1915 and roughly 1925, Ludendorff developed into the strongest man on the ‘right’. Thus, the years after the war were also of great importance. He was not only an important general who, with Paul von Hin-denburg, was in supreme command of Germany’s de facto military leaders...