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Theologie algemeen (3)

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Keeping Faith in Practice

Aspects of Catholic Pastoral Theology

2010 || Paperback || James Sweeney e.a. || SCM Press

Keeping Faith in Practice is an addition to SCM's growing Practical and Pastoral Theology list. Most books in this field are written by authors from various Protestant backgrounds. Catholic teachers in this field are frequently asked by colleagues for suggestions of Catholic resources, and find themselves at a loss.

The central subject of this book is an exploration of how theology engages with the dimension of practice in the life of the Church and contemporary society and culture. The book ...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Theological Reflection for Human Flourishing

Pastoral Practice and Public Theology

2012 || Paperback || Helen Cameron e.a. || SCM Press

This book is aimed at those training for ministry, those in ministry and lay people wishing to reflect upon their work. It seeks to enable those in pastoral ministry to reflect upon their institutional encounters and to enable lay people who work in institutions as professionals or managers to reflect upon their pastoral encounters. By generating shared encounters of theological reflection between these two groups the authors identify points of solidarity and tension between them.The book see...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

SCM Core Text

2011 || Paperback || Andrew Dawson || SCM Press

Sociology of Religion is an increasingly popular component of courses in religious studies at undergraduate level. While most textbooks on the Sociology of Religion are written from a sociological background, this new student-friendly textbook aims to introduce the field and the subjects studied by sociologists of religion to students with a background in theology and religious studies.