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Linguistics / 2nd edition
An Introduction
2015 || Paperback || William B. McGregor || Bloomsbury Publishing
This is the new edition of Linguistics: An Introduction. It is a bestselling introductory textbook for all students of linguistics and language studies.
This reworked edition features:
-new chapters on sign languages, writing, and text and discourse
-coverage of writing in electronic media
-revised and updated chapters on languages of the world and psycholinguistics
Firmly based around taught courses and catering to student needs, it addresses all the topics that a student will need in thei...
The Visual Language of Comics / 1st edition
Introduction to the Structure and Cognition of Sequential Images
2013 || Paperback || Dr Neil Cohn || Bloomsbury Publishing
Drawings and sequential images are an integral part of human expression dating back at least as far as cave paintings, and in contemporary society appear most prominently in comics. Despite this fundamental part of human identity, little work has explored the comprehension and cognitive underpinnings of visual narratives-until now.
This work presents a provocative theory: that drawings and sequential images are structured the same as language. Building on contemporary theories from linguisti...
Durkheim and the Internet / 1st edition
On Sociolinguistics and the Sociological Imagination
2018 || Paperback || Jan Blommaert || Bloomsbury Publishing
This book is available as open access through the Bloomsbury Open programme and is available on www.bloomsburycollections.com. Sociolinguistic evidence is an undervalued resource for social theory. In this book, Jan Blommaert uses contemporary sociolinguistic insights to develop a new sociological imagination, exploring how we construct and operate in online spaces, and what the implications of this are for offline social practice.
Taking Emile Durkheim's concept of the 'social fact' (social ...
Discovering Sociolinguistics
From Theory to Practice
2017 || Paperback || Dick Smakman || Bloomsbury Publishing
This engagingly written textbook provides a unique ‘hands-on’ introduction to sociolinguistics, which equips readers with the tools to start their own sociolinguistic research project. The book begins by outlining the historical, theoretical and cultural space in which language use occurs, before delving into the key topics and concepts of today’s field. It examines the choices speakers make in everyday life and assesses language and status across the world, by investigating variation i...