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Avans Hogeschool (2)
Hogeschool Rotterdam (2)
Engels (3)

Scheikunde algemeen (4)

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Quantitative Chemical Analysis / 10th edition

2019 || Paperback || Daniel C. Harris || Macmillan

The gold standard in analytical chemistry, Dan Harris' Quantitative Chemical Analysis provides a sound physical understanding of the principles of analytical chemistry and their applications in the disciplines. Dan Harris presents the subject in a rigorous, readable and interesting manner, lucid enough for non-chemistry majors but containing the depth required by advanced undergraduates. For the first time since the book was published in 1978, Harris has worked with a new contributing author,...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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Process Dynamics and Control / 4th EMEA edition

2019 || Paperback || Dale E. Seborg e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

The new 4th edition of Seborg’s Process Dynamics and Control provides full topical coverage for process control courses in the chemical engineering curriculum, emphasizing how process control and its related fields of process modeling and optimization are essential to the development of high-value products. A principal objective of this new edition is to describe modern techniques for control processes, with an emphasis on complex systems necessary to the development, design, and operation ...

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Scheikunde voor Dummies, 2e editie, pocketeditie

2019 || Paperback || John T. Moore || BBNC Uitgevers || met inkijkexemplaar

Van schone lucht tot vervuilde grond en van zeep tot geneesmiddelen, scheikunde is overal. Maar wat is scheikunde nu eigenlijk? De tweede editie van Scheikunde voor Dummies legt de begrippen en procedés helder uit. Of je nu scheikunde studeert of benieuwd bent naar wat scheikundigen zoal doen, dit boek zorgt ervoor dat je snel thuis raakt in materie en energie, elementen en atomen, zuren en gassen en nog veel meer. Bovendien is er aandacht voor milieuchemie, met informatie over luchtvervuili...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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Essential Forensic Biology / 3rd edition

2019 || Paperback || Alan Gunn || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

A completely revised and updated edition that teaches the essentials of forensic biology, with increased coverage of molecular biological techniques and new information on wildlife forensics, wound analysis and the potential of microbiomes as forensic indicators

This fully revised and updated introduction to forensic biology carefully guides the reader through the science of biology in legal investigations. Full-colour throughout, including many new images, it offers an accessible overview to...