Psychologie algemeen (3)
Life Span Motor Development / 7th edition
2021 || Paperback || Kathleen M. Haywood e.a. || Human Kinetics Publishers
Life Span Motor Development, Seventh Edition With HKPropel Access, is a leading text for helping students examine and understand how interactions of the developing and maturing individual, the environment, and the task being performed bring about changes in a person's movements. This model of constraints approach, combined with an unprecedented collection of video clips marking motor development milestones, facilitates an unmatched learning experience for the study of motor development across...
Dynamics of Skill Acquisition / 2nd Edition
An Ecological Dynamics Approach
2020 || Paperback || Chris Button e.a. || Human Kinetics Publishers
Dynamics of Skill Acquisition, Second Edition, provides an analysis of the processes underlying human skill acquisition. As the first text to outline the multidisciplinary ecological dynamics framework for understanding movement behavior, this heavily updated edition stays on the cutting edge, with principles of nonlinear pedagogy and methodologies from the constraints-led approach. Students and practitioners across a variety of professions-including coaches, physical educators, trainers, and...
Life Span Motor Development / 8th edition
2024 || Paperback || Kathleen M. Haywood e.a. || Human Kinetics Publishers
Life Span Motor Development, Eighth Edition With HKPropel Access, is a leading text for helping students understand a person’s movement abilities as the interaction of the individual’s development and maturation, the environment, and the task being performed. This model of constraints approach, combined with an unprecedented collection of video clips marking motor development advancements, facilitates an unmatched learning experience for the study of motor development across the life span...