Productie, inkoop, logistiek (6)
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Conducting Case Study Research for Business and Management Students
2023 || Paperback || Lee || SAGE
This concise and practical guide explores the use of case studies as a method for conducting research in a business and management Masters dissertation.
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Handbook Toxic gases and vapours in cargo
european handbook on how to open import containers safely and organise a safe cargo flow
2011 || Paperback || Donald Suidman e.a. || NT Publishers
Dit Engelstalige handboek beschrijft op Europees niveau het probleem van giftige gassen en dampen in importcontainers. Ongeveer 15 procent van alle importcontainers bevat een te hoge concentratie gevaarlijke gassen of dampen. De meeste gassen zijn afkomstig uit de lading zelf, een deel is in de container gebracht door fumigatie ten behoeve van ongediertebestrijding.Werknemers die containers openen of lossen lopen aanzienlijke gezondheidsrisicos. Werkgevers zijn aansprakelijk en verplicht om...
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The Vitality of Intermodal Transport
2018 || Paperback || Hendrik Rodemann e.a. || InterRoJo Publications
„I thoroughly enjoyed reading the book. It is exceedingly informative and reads extremely well, it has a logical structure throughout and also for me a lovely rhythm and pace.“
Dr Simon Templar, Visiting Fellow, Cranfield Centre for Logistics and
Supply Chain Management, Cranfield School of Management,
Cranfield University, United Kingdom.
“During more than 40 years of engaging with European and global intermodal transport I have seen its development with all the ups and downs that belo...
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A Practical Introduction to Mixed Methods for Business and Management
2023 || Paperback || Bazeley || SAGE
An introduction to mixed methods research, explaining the types of research questions that mixed methods are best suited to answering and guiding students through using this method successfully in their own research-based dissertation or project.
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Doing Your Business Research Project
2023 || Paperback || Beech || SAGE
This book helps business students through each step of the research process with detailed, friendly and engaging support.
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Understanding Research in the Digital Age
2023 || Paperback || Quinton || SAGE
A guide to understanding digital research from both a conceptual and practical perspective, helping the reader to make sense of the issues, challenges and opportunities of social science research in the digital age.