Onderwijs en opvoeding (3)
morgen verzonden
Teaching English Literature 16-19
An essential guide
2013 || Paperback || Carol Atherton e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Teaching English Literature 16 - 19 is an essential new resource that is suitable for use both as an introductory guide for those new to teaching literature and also as an aid to reflection and renewal for more experienced teachers. Using the central philosophy that students will learn best when actively engaged in discussion and encouraged to apply what they have learnt independently, this highly practical new text contains: discussion of the principles behind the teaching of literature at t...
Learning to Teach Foreign Languages / 4th Edition
in the Secondary School
2013 || Paperback || Taylor & Francis
Praise for previous editions:- 'A wealth of theory, research, practical advice, case studies and tasks in one volume...Indispensable for both HEI tutors and mentors, and an important book to recommend to all MFL students.' - Language Learning Journal'Presenting clear, straightforward, factual information on all current issues facing MFL student teachers ... An excellent reference guide during the first years of teaching.' - Mentoring and TutoringLearning to Teach Foreign Languages in the Seco...
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Die Judenbuche
Empfohlen für das 8.-10. Schuljahr. Textausgabe. Text - Erläuterungen - Materialien
2013 || Paperback || Annette Droste-Hülshoff e.a. || Cornelsen Verlag
Die Textausgabe Im Mittelpunkt der Reihe steht der Originaltext, ergänzt um
- knappe schülergerechte Worterklärungen direkt am Originaltext,
- eine kurze Autorenbiografie und Sachinformationen,
- Zusatzmaterialien zu Entstehung und Rezeption.
Für einen interessanten und abwechslungsreichen Deutschunterricht Die Reihe Cornelsen Literathek enthält beliebte und exemplarische Werke, die einen festen Platz im Deutschunterricht haben und häufig in der Sekundarstufe II prüfungsrelevant sind. ...