Onderwijs en opvoeding (4)
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Vocational English Level 2 English for IT Coursebook (with CD-ROM incl. Class Audio)
2012 || Paperback || David Hill e.a. || Intertaal
The Pearson Longman Vocational English series is designed to meet the English language needs of learners in a range of vocational specialisations. Designed for both pre-work and in-work learners these titles combine a strong grammar syllabus with the essential vocabulary that these students will need in their working lives.
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Market Leader. Pre-Intermediate Practice File (with Audio CD)
Business English Practice File [With CD (Audio)]
2012 || Paperback || John Rogers || Intertaal
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Speakout Intermediate. Workbook without Key
2015 || Paperback || Stephanie Dimond-Bayer || Intertaal
The Workbook contains a wide variety of review and practice exercises and covers all of the language areas in the corresponding Students' Book unit. It also contains regular review sections to help learners consolidate what they have learned. Intermediate: Global Scale of English 46-58
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Cutting Edge Elementary Students' Book with DVD
2020 || Paperback || Peter Moor e.a. || Intertaal
Cutting Edge Third Edition builds on the distinctive task-based approach that has made this course so popular. Engaging texts, new video content and a comprehensive digital package are just some of the features that make this fully revised edition even more effective.