
2023 (2)
2024 (2)
Hardcover (3)
Engels (3)

Mens en maatschappij algemeen (4)

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Economic Diversity In Contemporary Timor-Leste

2023 || Hardcover || Kelly Silva e.a. || Leiden University Press

Economic Diversity in Contemporary Timor-Leste analyses various economic dynamics in past and present Timor-Leste. Comprising 14 research chapters, the volume brings to the fore: 1) local, community-based economic values and arrangements; 2) community-based entanglements with a market-driven economy; 3) the colonial and postcolonial governance praxis through which a market-driven economy has permeated the country, and 4) the creative and place-based ways through which local people have respon...

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met 5% korting 133,95

Climate Security and the Military

Concepts, Strategies and Partnerships

2024 || Hardcover || Georg Frerks e.a. || Leiden University Press

This book, 'Climate Security and the Military: Concepts, Strategies and Partnerships', reviews the climate Security Nexus from the military angle and proposes the design of climate security strategies and how they can contribute to adaptation to and mitigation of the related challenges. Part 1 reviews the understanding of the Climate Security Nexus. Subsequently, Part 2 assesses the potential design of climate security strategies. In Part 3, adaptation to climate change by the military is rev...

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met 5% korting 35,10

Gestructureerde inlichtingenanalyse voor opsporing en openbare ordehandhaving

Handboek voor de praktijk

2023 || Ringband || Willemijn Aerdts e.a. || Leiden University Press

Inlichtingenanalyse is een fundamentele schakel in het werk van elke professional die zich bezighoudt met openbare orde en veiligheid. Anticiperen op een onzekere toekomst is hierbij van groot belang. In dit boek worden de belangrijkste analysetechnieken, zoals die niet meer zijn weg te denken uit het inlichtingenveld, uitgelegd en toegespitst op de Nederlandse praktijk. ‘Gestructureerde inlichtingenanalyse voor opsporing en ordehandhaving’ kan daarmee dienen als naslagwerk tijdens de dag...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

The Political Mobilization of the Christian Community in Malaysia

2024 || Hardcover || Pui Yee Choong || Leiden University Press

Spanning Malaysia’s post-independence period, and using the repression-mobilization nexus as a key theoretical framework, this study outlines how its Christian community delicately and simultaneously defends its religious rights without being construed as anti-Islam in the face of state-led “Islamization”. By primarily focusing on the 1980s to the contemporary period, while considering subnational differences between East and West Malaysia, this study charts the changes in the community...