
Engels (2)
2024 (2)

Management algemeen (3)

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What Do You Really Want?

Why You Stay Stuck In An Energy-draining Job and How to Break Free From It

2024 || Paperback || Sandra Klijn || Santasado

What Do You Really Want? is a book designed for those who recognize that it’s time to change direction but find themselves uncertain what to do next. “My current occupation no longer aligns with who I want to be, and I’m eager for a transformation, yet I don’t know which steps to take first.”

If you find yourself uncertain about whether you’re in the right place, it doesn’t necessarily imply that you’re in the wrong job. In fact it’s more probable that you’re experiencing ...

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met 5% korting 23,70

Hidden Connections

A Systemic Look Into Organisations

2024 || Paperback || Margreet Oostenbrink || Santasado

Sounds familiar?

• You want to make a difference, but intangible forces seem to be working against you;

• New initiatives always seem to be trumped by established procedures;

• All-too-quickly you find yourself once again doing what you were so determined not to do;

• The fact that nothing ever really changes in the organisation makes you despondent.

Systems form everywhere. You yourself are part of a system, but you can exert influence on it. Hidden away under the guise of organisati...

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met 5% korting 14,25

Bedrijf Bamischijf

Van onzinnig ‘bedrijfje spelen’ naar zinnig organiseren

2022 || Paperback || Cedric Muchall e.a. || Santasado || met inkijkexemplaar

Zinniger, leuker en gezonder organiseren vraagt volgens Cedric Muchall en Lennard Toma slechts zes sleutels. Zes V’s.

Door die zes aspecten serieus te nemen in je onderneming en ze onderling goed op elkaar af te stemmen, zou elke organisatie leuker en gezonder kunnen zijn voor collega’s, klanten en de omgeving.

Cedric Muchall en Lennard Toma leren elkaar kennen als collega’s bij de organisatie Keytoe. Daar voorkomen zij de valkuilen van ouderwets en onzinnig organiseren: vergaderen, het...