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Loyal banking

2nd edition

2022 || Paperback || Jasmin Hajro || Mijnmanagementboek.nl

Also attached is the book Build your Fortune

Will you have enough money when you retire ?

Would your life be better, if you had an extra passive income ? Are you searching for a Fortunebuilding How to guide, to give you control over your financial future ?

So that you can face your golden years with confidence,

knowing that your Fortune will provide for you & your family.

Even though this How to guide is easy to understand and the steps are simple...

It's still a Doing book.

You'll have to re...

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100 % sales rule

2nd edition

2023 || Paperback || Jasmin Hajro || Mijnmanagementboek.nl

First visit my website : www.jasminhajro6.webnode.nl

Then know that I care for you.

Know that I am a true expert and have more than 5 years of experience in selling.

Door to door selling, face to face with people.

the 100 % sales rule is about your behavior, it's action and behavior that gets results..

in this case taking action as a sales pro and behaving as a sales professional.

But you cut the shit... 100 % focus ''on the task at hand'' : selling the person.

With this 100 % sales rule, you...

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met 5% korting 28,49

21 Ways to stop procrastinating : practical tips and techniques to overcome procrastination and achieve success

2024 || Paperback || Jasmin Hajro || Mijnbestseller.nl

Are you tired of constantly putting off important tasks and missing out on opportunities? Do you want to take control of your time and achieve your goals with ease? Look no further! Our comprehensive guide, "21 Ways to Stop Procrastinating," is here to transform your life and help you beat procrastination once and for all.

Understanding Procrastination: Delve into the psychology behind procrastination and gain valuable insights into why we procrastinate and how to overcome this detrimental ha...

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Mastering the art of mindfulness

2024 || Paperback || Jasmin Hajro || Mijnbestseller.nl

Introducing "Mastering the Art of Mindfulness," the ultimate guide to achieving inner peace, enhancing focus, and savoring the present moment. In today's fast-paced world, we are often overwhelmed by distractions, stress, and the constant rush of everyday life. This book is your key to unlocking the transformative power of mindfulness, allowing you to reclaim control of your thoughts, emotions, and overall well-being.

Why practice mindfulness, you ask? The answer is simple: to fully experienc...

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met 5% korting 25,64

De avonturen van Ixi

2023 || Paperback || Jasmin Hajro || Brave New Books

Stap binnen in de magische wereld van Puppy Ixi, waar avontuur, klusjes en waardevolle lessen samensmelten tot een onvergetelijk verhaal!

In dit betoverende kinderboek leren we Puppy Ixi kennen, een energieke en nieuwsgierige pup die klaar is voor alle uitdagingen die het leven te bieden heeft. Ixi gaat op avontuur en ontdekt al snel dat er zoveel meer is dan snoepjes en spelen. Hij leert de waarde van vriendschap en liefde, en dat echte waardevolle lessen vaak verborgen liggen in onverwachte...

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met 5% korting 25,64

Secrets of the rich

2023 || Paperback || Jasmin Hajro || Brave New Books

"Secrets of the Rich: Unlocking the Strategies for Success"

Are you ready to uncover the hidden principles and proven strategies used by the wealthy to achieve financial success, raise successful children, and start thriving businesses? Look no further than "Secrets of the Rich." This groundbreaking book dives deep into the mindset, actions, and values that drive the lives of the wealthy. Here's why you need to get your hands on this transformative guide:

1. Gain Exclusive Insights: "Secrets ...

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met 5% korting 28,49

In loving memory

2021 || Paperback || Jasmin Hajro || Mijnbestseller.nl || met inkijkexemplaar

Het zou ook Korte Verhalen kunnen heten... De mensen die we ontmoeten.. de mensen die we kennen.. de mensen waar we van houden om geven, aan geven, van ontvangen.. Sommige zijn nog met ons.. anderen zijn heengegaan of weggegaan.. Van sommige moesten we afscheid nemen... Het leven is een komen en gaan van mensen.

Misschien moeten we degenen koesteren die er nog zijn in ons leven..

Het boek bevat korte verhalen

over de mensen uit mijn leven,

vroeger en nu...

Zoals :

Lip (Rick)

Zo werd ie genoemd..


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De Ultieme Winnende Strategie


2021 || Paperback || Jasmin Hajro || Mijnmanagementboek.nl || met inkijkexemplaar

- de Ultieme Winnende Strategie voor ondernemers

- Jouw voorsprong op je concurrentie

- 2 Praktijkvoorbeelden,

die je laten zien dat de Ultieme Winnende Strategie

voor ondernemers, bewezen is en werkt

Realiseer meer verkopen, meer omzet en meer winst.

Deze strategie wordt gebruikt door de meest succesvolle bedrijven in de wereld

zoals de McDonalds, KFC, Esso, supermarkten...

Parkeer minimaal 4 ton extra winst op je bankrekening..

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met 5% korting 25,64

Growing money

2023 || Paperback || Jasmin Hajro || Mijnbestseller.nl

This book gives you the formula

it puts you in charge

it gives you total control

over your life

and your money....

Other books and courses

forget one most important step :

´´ḿultiply money´´

Saving money with 1% interest

it will double after 100 years

Investing in stocks that pay out 10% dividend

your money doubles after 10 years

if you are lucky....

How do you go from 1 dollar to 5

how to multiply it ?

This book gives you all the answers

Learned from the billionaire Grant Cardone

Get i...

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met 5% korting 25,64

This is the real secret to success

forget about mindset, shiny objects and the law of attraction ,2nd edition

2022 || Paperback || Jasmin Hajro || Mijnmanagementboek.nl

You have been lied to

about success....

The secret to success

is not in mindset, shiny objects

or the law of attraction


But it is in this book, and its validated by extensive research and experience...

Get this book now

and learn the real secret to success

so that you can really start

achieving what you want in life.

Get this boxset now and learn the TRUTH

about success and getting rich..