Algemene economie (5)
International Economics
2019 || Paperback || Dominick Salvatore || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
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Successieplanning voor beginners (herwerkte editie)
2019 || Paperback || Bart Chiau || Pelckmans || met inkijkexemplaar
Het taboe rond het vooraf plannen van onze nalatenschap verdwijnt stilaan. Een goed uitgedokterd successieplan geeft gemoedsrust, bespaart erfbelasting en zal discussies tussen erfgenamen vermijden. Zo beslist u zelf wat er na uw overlijden met uw huis en uw spaargeld zal gebeuren.
Het wettelijk erfrecht houdt geen rekening met de maatschappelijke evoluties. Denk maar eens aan samenwonenden, singles, nieuw samengestelde gezinnen … Zij vinden geen antwoorden binnen het bestaande erfrecht en ...
Economics of Education
2019 || Paperback || Michael Lovenheim e.a. || Macmillan
While there are many great research articles, good books, and provocative policy analyses related to the economics of education, these materials are often written to influence the policy process and not necessarily for students with limited knowledge of the underlying policies and the economic framework. This textbook is intended to serve as a foundation for a broad-based course on the economics of education. Its goal is to provide an overview of economics of education research: to lay out th...
Intermediate Microeconomics / 1st ed
A Modern Approach, Media Update
2019 || Paperback || Hal R. Varian || WW Norton & Co
From Google's chief economist, Varian's best-selling intermediate microeconomics texts are revered as some of the best in the field. And now students can work problems online with Smartwork5, Norton's online homework system, packaged at no additional charge with the Media Update Editions. In addition to online homework, the texts now include four-colour graphs and new interactive animations.
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Principles of Economics / 13th Global Edition
2019 || Paperback || Karl Case e.a. || Pearson
For two-semester courses in the principles of economics. An introduction to the functioning of the economy and the power and breadth of economicsReviewers tell us that Case/Fair/Oster is one of the all-time bestselling principles of economics texts because they trust it to be clear, thorough, and complete. Readers of Principles of Economics, 13th Edition come away with a basic understanding of how market economies function, an appreciation for the things they do well, and a sense of things th...