Agogiek (9)
morgen verzonden
Teaching Higher Education Courses in Further Education Colleges
2013 || Paperback || Tummons || SAGE
An accessible guide for all teachers and trainee teachers in FE. It considers what is means to teach Higher Education courses in Further Education and how an HE environment can be created in an FE setting.
morgen verzonden
Achieving QTLS status
A guide to demonstrating the Professional Standards
2018 || Hardcover || Mansell || SAGE
This new text is a user friendly and clear guide to achieving QTLS status and is linked to the Professional Standards for Teachers and Trainers.
morgen verzonden
Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
2018 || Hardcover || Cleaver || SAGE
This text explores best practice approaches to undertaking enquiry into learning and teaching in higher education for staff from all academic disciplines.
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Principles and Practices of Assessment
A guide for assessors in the FE and skills sector
2021 || Hardcover || Gravells || SAGE
Whether you are a new or an experienced assessor, this book will guide you through the relevant principles and practices to enable you to become an assessor; improve your job role; and/or work towards a relevant assessment qualification. This fourth edition includes guidance for online assessment.
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Successful Teaching Practice in the Lifelong Learning Sector
2010 || Paperback || Duckworth || SAGE
An essential guide to successful teaching practice in the Lifelong Learning Sector
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Planning and Enabling Learning in the Lifelong Learning Sector
2010 || Paperback || Gravells || SAGE
A valuable text and useful resource for all teachers working towards the new LLUK standards for the associate and full teaching roles.
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Handbook of Adult and Continuing Education
2010 || Hardcover || Kasworm || SAGE
Discussing contemporary theories, current practices and key processes and functions in the field, this handbook provides readers with the means to gain a firm understanding of this area of education and allows them to develop and improve approaches to their own work and research.
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Teaching and Training Vocational Learners
2013 || Paperback || Ingle || SAGE
A practical toolkit and essential guide to teaching and training vocational learners across all settings.
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Delivering Employability Skills in the Lifelong Learning Sector
2010 || Paperback || Gravells || SAGE
A key text for those taking the CTLLS unit 'Delivering Employability Skills'.