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Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

Bread Is Gold

2017 || Hardcover || Massimo Bottura || Phaidon

Massimo Bottura, the world's best chef, prepares extraordinary meals from ordinary and sometimes 'wasted' ingredients inspiring home chefs to eat well while living well. 'These dishes could change the way we feed the world, because they can be cooked by anyone, anywhere, on any budget. To feed the planet, first you have to fight the waste', Massimo BotturaBread is Gold is the first book to take a holistic look at the subject of food waste, presenting recipes for three-course meals from 45 of ...

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

On Vegetables: Modern Recipes for the Home Kitchen

Modern Recipes for the Home Kitchen

2023 || Hardcover || Jeremy Fox e.a. || Phaidon

Known for his game-changing approach tocooking with vegetables, Jeremy Fox first madehis name at the Michelin-starred restaurantUbuntu in Napa Valley. Today he is one ofAmerica's most talked-about chefs, celebratedfor the ingredient-focused cuisine he servesat the Los Angeles restaurant, Rustic CanyonWine Bar and Seasonal Kitchen. In his first book,Fox presents his food philosophy in the formof 160 approachable recipes for the home cook.On Vegetables elevates vegetarian cooking,using creative...

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

Before & After

2017 || Hardcover || Jean Jullien e.a. || Phaidon

Graphic artist Jean Jullien insightfully andcomically depicts a set of clever and surprisingbefore-and-after two-frame narratives, eachprogressed by a page turn. From pale skin tosunburned skin, dirty to clean, long hair to shorthair (to long again), Jullien masterfully buildsanticipation and a satisfying resolution witheach pairing. Striking the perfect balance ofpredictability and unexpectedness, this bookwill leave readers in wonder as they flip backand forth.

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

Lauren Greenfield: Generation Wealth

Generation Wealth

2017 || Hardcover || Lauren Greenfield e.a. || Phaidon

Lauren Greenfield: Generation Wealth is both aretrospective and an investigation into the subjectof wealth over the last twenty-five years. Greenfieldhas travelled the world - from Los Angeles toMoscow, Dubai to China - bearing witness to theglobal boom-and-bust economy and documentingits complicated consequences. Provoking seriousreflection, this book is not about the rich, butabout the desire to be wealthy, at any cost.