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The Science of Social Influence (e-book)

Advances and Future Progress

2011 || E-book via Bookshelf || Anthony R. Pratkanis || Taylor & Francis

The contributions to this volume capture the thrill of current work on social influence, as well as providing a tutorial on the scientific and technical aspects of this research. The volume teaches the student to:

Learn how to conduct lab, field and case research on social influence through example by leading researchers

Find out about the latest discoveries including the status of research on social influence tactics, dissonance theory, conformity, and resistance to influence

Discover how se...

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Security Risk Management Body of Knowledge / 1st edition (e-book)

2011 || E-book via Bookshelf || Julian Talbot e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

A framework for formalizing risk management thinking in today s complex business environment

Security Risk Management Body of Knowledge details the security risk management process in a format that can easily be applied by executive managers and security risk management practitioners. Integrating knowledge, competencies, methodologies, and applications, it demonstrates how to document and incorporate best-practice concepts from a range of complementary disciplines.

Developed to align with Int...