Resultaten (8)
Essential University Physics / 4th edition
Volume 1
2019 || Paperback || Richard Wolfson || Pearson Education
For two- and three-semester university physics courses. 0134988558 / 9780134988559: Volume 1 contains Chapters 1–19 Focus on the fundamentals and help students see connections between problem types Richard Wolfson’s Essential University Physics is a concise and progressive calculus-based physics textbook that offers clear writing, great problems, and relevant real-life applications in an affordable and streamlined text. The book teaches sound problem-solving strategies and emphasizes conc...
Student Solutions Manual for Fundamentals of Differential Equations and Fundamentals of Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems
2018 || Paperback || R. Nagle e.a. || Pearson Education
For one-semeseter sophomore- or junior-level courses in Differential Equations. Fundamentals of Differential Equations presents the basic theory of differential equations and offers a variety of modern applications in science and engineering. Also available in the version Fundamentals of Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems, these flexible texts offer the instructor many choices in syllabus design, course emphasis (theory, methodology, applications, and numerical methods), and ...
Engineering Vibrations
International Edition
2013 || Paperback || Daniel Inman || Pearson Education
For one/two-semester introductory courses in vibration for undergraduates in Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics Serving as both a text and reference manual, Engineering Vibration, 4e, connects traditional design-oriented topics, the introduction of modal analysis, and the use of MATLAB, Mathcad, or Mathematica. The author provides an unequaled combination of the study of conventional vibration with the use of vibration design, computation, analysis ...
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The Business Model Navigator / Druk 2
The strategies behind the most successful companies
2020 || Oliver Gassmann e.a. || Pearson Education
A strong business model is the bedrock to business success. But all too often we fail to adapt, clinging to outdated business models that are no longer promising the results we need. This new edition builds on the well-known methodology of the first edition to allow you to innovate, test and implement new business models within your industry.
Discover the idea of business model innovation, from structuring the process of innovation of a company’s business model to encouraging outside-the-bo...
Global Marketing / 11th Edition
0613 || Paperback || Mark C. Green e.a. || Pearson Education
Global Marketing enters its third decade of success developing the next generation of global marketers. With this long-relied-upon resource, authors Mark Green and Warren Keegan offer a compelling, authoritative narrative on marketing in the era of globalization.
They take an environmental and strategic approach focused on the major dimensions of global business. Through integrated analytical tools, they will also help you successfully apply the 4Ps (product, price, place and promotion) to a ...
Econometric Analysis, Global Edition
2020 || Paperback || William Greene || Pearson Education
This title is a Pearson Global Edition. The Editorial team at Pearson has worked closely with educators around the world to include content which is especially relevant to students outside the United States. For first-year graduate courses in Econometrics for Social Scientists. Bridging the gap between social science studies and econometric analysisDesigned to bridge the gap between social science studies and field-econometrics, Econometric Analysis, 8th Edition, Global Edition, presents thi...
C++ Programming Language, The
2013 || Hardcover || Bjarne Stroustrup || Pearson Education
The new C++11 standard allows programmers to express ideas more clearly, simply, and directly, and to write faster, more efficient code. Bjarne Stroustrup, the designer and original implementer of C++, has reorganized, extended, and completely rewritten his definitive reference and tutorial for programmers who want to use C++ most effectively. The C++ Programming Language, Fourth Edition, delivers meticulous, richly explained, and integrated coverage of the entire language—its facilities, a...
Introduction to Biotechnology / 4th edition
2018 || Paperback || William J. Thieman e.a. || Pearson Education
For courses in biotechnology.
Introduction to Biotechnology brings the latest information students need to understand the science and business of biotechnology. The popular text emphasizes the future of biotechnology and the biotechnology student's role in that future with balanced coverage of basic cell and molecular biology, fundamental techniques, historical accounts, new advances, and hands-on applications.
The 4th Edition features content updates in every chapter that reflect the most re...