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Resultaten (42)
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Iranian Architecture
A Visual History
2022 || Hardcover || Sohrab Sardashti || Exhibitions International
This fully illustrated publication is a magnificent pictorial survey of the great architectural monuments of Iran.
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Berlinde De Bruyckere
2021 || Hardcover || Stijn Huijts e.a. || Exhibitions International || met inkijkexemplaar
Following two mid-career retrospectives illustrating the period 2000-2014, De Bruyckere is now showing her most recent work. She focuses on the period from 2014 up to the present. The book includes work that has never be seen before. These monumental works are inspired by the idea of an angel, as portrayed in myths, stories, literature and art history. Conceived in the loneliness and isolation of the corona crisis, the angel guards against a lonely existence and, even more importantly, agains...
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Gathering of Strangers
Why Museums Matter
2024 || Hardcover || Maria Balshaw || Exhibitions International
A powerful, timely and thought-provoking exploration of the transformative role of the museum – and of art – in society today.
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Maarten Baas
New Times
2021 || Hardcover || Angelika Nollert || Exhibitions International
"Maarten Baas - New Times" deals with the phenomenon of time. The focus is on Baas' series "Real Time", which he has been constantly developing since 2009. In this series, his versatile approach to design, through the use of different disciplines, becomes particularly clear. He combines film, performance, art and design to rethink clocks and thus manages to tell us stories with his design.
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Bootleg paintings
2023 || Hardcover || Dieter Durinck e.a. || Exhibitions International
Als beeldend kunstenaar, ontwerper en uitgever is Dieter Durinck (°1982) van allerlei markten thuis. In zijn diverse oeuvre komen verschillende materialen, tech- nieken en thema’s steeds op bijzondere wijze samen. Eén van deze belangrijke thema’s is de spanning tussen de reproductie en het origineel, een onderwerp dat duidelijk terugkomt bij de Bootleg Paintings.In de traditie van de schilderkunst zijn kopieën en hommages een eeuwenoud fenomeen. Dieter Durinck geeft deze klassieke tren...
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Danish Porcelain
Royal Copenhagen and Bing & Grondahl
2022 || Hardcover || Dr Elliot Todd || Exhibitions International
This 2-volume set is the first comprehensive critical review of the Royal Copenhagen and Bing & Grondahl factories from their beginnings to their eventual merger, and the history of Danish porcelain.
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The World of Banksy
Complete Catalog
2023 || Hardcover || Hazis Vardar || Exhibitions International
The World of Banksy is an immersive dive into the world of Banksy, including the most recent works made in Ukraine.
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A Woven Culture
2023 || Hardcover || Exhibitions International
The most comprehensive and detailed study and representation of the Tai people, with stunning photographs and beautifully presented.
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Art du Nigéria Central - Central Nigeria Arts
2022 || Hardcover || Jan Strybol || Exhibitions International
In voorgaande studies wees Jan Strybol er op dat de beeldhouwkunst in Noord-Nigeria - in tegenstelling tot wat doorgaans aangenomen wordt - een grote bloei kende. Houtsculpturen trof men zowat overal aan, met uitzondering van een gedeelte van het Hoge Noorden. In deze studie onderzoekt de auteur vooreerst de sculpturale tradities van een aantal volkeren in Centraal-Nigeria, meer bepaald van het Jos-Plateau en van de vallei van de Midden-Benue tot aan het brongebied van de Taraba-rivier. Deze ...
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Maarten Vanden Eynde
2021 || Hardcover || Maarten Vanden Eynde || Exhibitions International