Resultaten (67)
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No Return Flight / druk 1
13 Platoon at Arnhem 1944
2019 || Paperback || H. Walburgh Schmidt || Aspekt B.V., Uitgeverij
‘No Return Flight” tells the story of the search for the 27 men that glided into the Arnhem area on 18 September 1944. Their Horsa, one among hundreds of plywood gliders, launched them into the cauldron that would be remembered as the Battle of Arnhem.
After landing the Glider Pilots and the Air Landing soldiers wished each other good luck and went their separate ways. Possibly never to see each other again. More than fifty years later one of the Glider Pilots, Sergeant Morley ‘Taffy’...
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The Wehrmacht at War 1939-1945 / druk 1
the units and commanders of the German Ground Forces during World War II
1999 || Paperback || Andries J. Kursietis || Aspekt B.V., Uitgeverij
'The Wehrmacht at War 1939 -1945'is the culmination of twenty five years of research and three years of writing, and is a unique, in-depth presentation of the order of battle and commanders of the German Army ground forces during World War II. Although there are numerous other books that have been published on the order of battle of the German Army, none contain the depth of detail concerning the commanders of the units and the biographies of the Generals that are included in this work. Indee...
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Susanna Shakespeare / druk 1
Shakespeare's daughter and doctor John Hall
2014 || Paperback || Alida C. Rijnders || Aspekt B.V., Uitgeverij
One can find plenty of literature on the life and works of William Shakespeare. Much less if any can be found and read about his three children. This is the first book about the married life of his eldest daughter Susanna with her husband doctor John Hall, a general practitioner in the Stratford-upon-Avon of those days. Through the eyes of Susanna and with her husband’s original notes on his patients we get acquainted with the family, neighbours and friends of her famous father. In this w...
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Homosexuality in Africa (17,95)
a disturbing love
2016 || Paperback || Bart Luirink e.a. || Aspekt B.V., Uitgeverij
Plagues of locusts, drought and ebola. In Africa homosexuals are getting the blame for everything. It's open season. Homosexuality is called 'un-African', 'in direct conflict with its own distinctive culture', a 'western disease'. What's the motivation behind those leaders who are fighting to keep their continent 'morally pure'?
There's another story. More and more African gays and lesbians are coming out of the closet. Equal rights activism has become a reality and a passionate debate is rag...
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The live bait squadron / druk 1
three massgraves off the Dutch coast, 22 september 1914
2014 || Paperback || Henk H.M. van der Linden || Aspekt B.V., Uitgeverij
On September 22, 1914 between 06.20 am and 07.55 am three British cruisers went down o the Dutch coast, HMS Aboukir,Hogue and Cressy. Of the combined crew of 2296 no less than 1459 men perished on their ships or in the sea. ere were 837survivors. e perpetrator was a simple German submarine, U-9. is event in the early days of the First World War came as a big boost to the Germans. But for the British it was a dire blow, the biggest loss ever in icted on the Royal Navy, hitherto deemed invinc...
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The Formidable "Arpad Line" of Hungary
2020 || Paperback || Endre B. Gastony || Aspekt B.V., Uitgeverij
The author: From a youthful observer in Hungary, Endre B.
Gastony evolved into a student of history at the University
of Oregon. As professor at Augustana University, he combined
teaching, with research and writing on the topics of nationalism,
international events, and Hungarian history. He also conducted
college study tours in Europe, until retiring into a life of more
research, writing, besides tennis and sailing.
Historical guiding principles: Leopold von Ranke’s advice, chronicle the p...
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Curious Myths of the Middle Ages (Heruitgave)
2022 || Paperback || S. Baring-Gould || Aspekt B.V., Uitgeverij
Curious Myths of the Middle Ages, first published in 1866, is a collection of 24 of the most commonly held superstitions of the Medieval era. For each story, Baring-Gould presents his research into the history and possible inspiration for the myth. Included among these familiar tales are: The Wandering Jew, the story of the Jewish shoemaker who is doomed to wander the earth until the Second Coming. William Tell, the Swiss hero who shot an apple off his son’s head. Saint George, a Christian...
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Jesus was Ceasar
on the Julian origin of Christianity
2005 || Paperback || F. Carotta || Aspekt B.V., Uitgeverij
The question is: Is Jesus Divus Julius? (Is Jesus the historical figure of Divus Julius, the god to which Julius Caesar was elevated?). The iconography of Caesar do not fit our idea of him. In our minds Caesar is a field marshall and a dictator. However, authentic images portray the idea of the clementia Caesaris, a clement Caesar. Jesus' life is congruent to the life of Caesar. Both Julius Caesar and Jesus began their careers in northern countries: Caesar in Gaul, Jesus in Galilee; both cros...
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Kritische discoursanalyse / druk 1
de macht en kracht van taal en tekst
2020 || Paperback || Hans Schuman e.a. || Aspekt B.V., Uitgeverij
Voor iedereen die meer wil weten over de rol van taal en tekst in de vorm- en betekenisgeving van onze maatschappij is dit boek een aanrader. Het geeft een inleiding op de kritische discoursanalyse (KDA), een discipline die in de jaren negentig is ontwikkeld en taalkunde en sociologie met elkaar combineert. Kritische discoursanalyse richt zich op de analyse van de relatie tussen taal en de instandhouding van machtsrelaties binnen de maatschappij, binnen organisaties en binnen familieverbanden.
U komt in dit boek verschillende filosofen tegen, zoals Foucault, Bourdieu, Habermas en Gramsci. U raakt vertrouwd met centrale begrippen uit de kritische discoursanalyse zoals narratieven, frames, articulatie, intertextualiteit en interdiscursiviteit. Door de vele voorbeelden uit de praktijk en de actualiteit raakt u snel met deze begrippen vertrouwd en zult u ze ook zelf gaan herkennen. U zult zien dat taal niet alleen een instrument is om te communiceren over deze wereld, maar ook een middel om de werkelijkheid vorm te geven. Door taalgebruik legt u een verband tussen uzelf en anderen; u construeert uw beeld van de werkelijkheid en presenteert dit beeld aan uw gesprekspartners....
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The Beginning, the End and Everything in between
|| Paperback || Ton Toutnu || Aspekt B.V., Uitgeverij
The beginning, the end, and everything in between stars the man. It's about the life of a Dutch man, born in 1939 and up to the end that is yet to come. Preparations have started for that end, however. Judging by the large membership numbers of the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Vrijwillige Euthanasie-the Dutch euthanasia association-he is not the only one.Most of this book, however, is about what happens between birth and death. You have to talk to a Dutchman in half-English; that's what they l...