Resultaten (9)
Gray's Anatomy for Students 5e and Paulsen: Sobotta Atlas of Anatomy, Package, 17th ed., English/Latin - Value Pack
2023 || Richard Drake e.a. || Elsevier
Special value package containing the latest editions of the classic, best-selling student texts in anatomy - Gray's Anatomy for Students 5th Edition (ISBN: 9780323934237) and Sobotta Atlas of Anatomy 17th Edition, English/Latin: General Anatomy and Musculoskeletal System; Internal Organs; Head, Neck and Neuroanatomy; Muscles Tables; Poster Collection (ISBN: 9780702067648).
maandag verzonden
Illustrated Textbook of Paediatrics / 6th edition
2021 || Paperback || Tom Lissauer || Elsevier
This sixth edition of the acclaimed and award-winning 'Sunflower book' comprehensively covers the undergraduate curriculum in paediatrics and child health. Topics are made accessible with numerous colour images, diagrams and case studies, and revision is facilitated by key points and summary boxes. This has made the book a firm favourite of medical students as well as trainees approaching clinical speciality exams, both in the UK and internationally.
Highly illustrated with hundreds of colour...
Human Embryology and Developmental Biology / 6th edition
2019 || Paperback || Bruce M Carlson || Elsevier
Completely revised from cover to cover, Human Embryology and Developmental Biology, 6th Edition, helps you master complex concepts on every aspect of normal and abnormal human development. Dr. Bruce M.
Carlson provides authoritative, readable coverage of today's scientific knowledge in this fast-changing field, keeping you up to date with what you need to know for coursework, exams, and clinical practice. Features an extensive, full-color illustration program, with hundreds of superb clinical...
Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine / 10th edition
2020 || Paperback || Adam Feather e.a. || Elsevier
Now in its tenth edition, Kumar & Clark's Clinical Medicine is fully updated and revised under a new team of editors. Featuring new chapters covering: o Diagnosis: the art of being a doctor - helping readers to develop a confident clinical method in interactions with patientso Elderly medicine, frailty and multimorbidityo Public healtho Surgeryo Evidence-based medicineo Sepsis and the treatment of bacterial infection o Haematological Oncologyo Venous thromboembolic diseaseo Hypertensiono Men'...
Sobotta Atlas of Anatomy, Package, English/Latin / 17th edition
General Anatomy and Musculoskeletal System; Internal Organs; Head, Neck and Neuroanatomy; Muscles Tables; Poster Collection
2023 || Friedrich Paulsen e.a. || Elsevier
General Anatomy and Musculoskeletal System; Internal Organs; Head, Neck and Neuroanatomy; Muscles Tables; Poster Collection MORE THAN AN ATLAS Studying anatomy is fun! Recognising the structures on the dissection, understanding their relationships and gaining an overview of how they work together assures confident study and transition into clinical practice. The Sobotta Atlas shows authentic illustrations of the highest quality, drawn from genuine specimens, guaranteeing the best preparation ...
Medical Physiology / 3rd edition
2016 || Hardcover || Walter F. Boron e.a. || Elsevier
For a comprehensive understanding of human physiology - from molecules to systems -turn to the latest edition of Medical Physiology. This updated textbook is known for its unparalleled depth of information, equipping students with a solid foundation for a future in medicine and healthcare, and providing clinical and research professionals with a reliable go-to reference. Complex concepts are presented in a clear, concise, and logically organized format to further facilitate understanding and ...
dinsdag verzonden
Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy, Package, English/Latin / 16th edition
Musculoskeletal System; Internal Organs; Head, Neck and Neuroanatomy; Muscles Tables
2018 || Friedrich Paulsen e.a. || Elsevier
Sobotta - More than just an Atlas: Learn, Understand and Test your Knowledge Discover the core title of the Sobotta family: the Atlas for students and professionals alike Presented in a practical package combining all three atlas volumes, covering the entire regional anatomy of the human body, as well as, a study book containing Tables of Muscles, Joints and Nerves. The 16th edition introduces the brand new Sobotta Study Loop. A deeper focus on clinical relevance and actively supporting stude...
Rang & Dale's Pharmacology / 10th edition
2023 || Paperback || James M. Ritter e.a. || Elsevier
Rang and Dale's Pharmacology is internationally acknowledged as the core textbook for students of pharmacology, and has provided accessible, up-to-date information on drugs and their mechanism of action for more than 30 years. Now in its tenth edition, it has been updated to include important new drugs such as gene therapies, personalised medicines and the new wave of RNA drugs. However it has not lost any of the elements that have contributed to its popularity, such as color coding and illus...
Robbins & Kumar Basic Pathology / 11th edition
2022 || Hardcover || Kumar e.a. || Elsevier
Readable, well-illustrated, and concise, Robbins and Kumar's Basic Pathology, 11th Edition, offers today's busy students a rich understanding of all essential pathology concepts from trusted names in the field. This updated edition thoroughly covers key pathologic processes and the time-honored tools of gross and microscopic analysis, while also retaining a strong emphasis on clinicopathologic correlations and the impact of molecular pathology on the practice of medicine. Outstanding artwork ...