Resultaten (15)
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Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds / 8th edition
2014 || Paperback || Robert M. Silverstein e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
First published over 40 years ago, this was the first text on the identification of organic compounds using spectroscopy. This text is now considered to be a classic. This text presents a unified approach to the structure determination of organic compounds based largely on mass spectrometry, infrared (IR) spectroscopy, and multinuclear and multidimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy.
The key strength of this text is the extensive set of practice and real-data problems (in C...
Catalysis - An Integrated Textbook for Students / 1st edition
An Integrated Textbook for Students
2017 || Paperback || U Hanefeld || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Written by an excellent, highly experienced and motivated team of lecturers, this textbook is based on one of the most successful courses in catalysis and as such is tried-and-tested by generations of graduate and PhD students. It covers all essential aspects of this important topic, including homogeneous, heterogeneous and biocatalysis, but also kinetics, reactor design and engineering. The perfect source of information for graduate and PhD students in chemistry and chemical engineering, as ...
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Elements of Physical Chemistry / 7th edition
2016 || Paperback || Peter Atkins || Oxford University Press
The ideal course companion, Elements of Physical Chemistry is written specifically with the needs of undergraduate students in mind, and provides extensive mathematical and pedagogical support while remaining concise and accessible. For the seventh edition of this much-loved text, the material has been reorganized into short Topics, which are grouped into thematic Focus sections to make the text more digestible for students, and more flexible for lecturers to teach from. At the beginning of e...
Structure Determination of Organic Compounds / 5th Edition
Tables of Spectral Data
2020 || Paperback || Ernoe Pretsch e.a. || Springer
This succinct compilation of essential reference data for the interpretation of NMR, IR, UV/Vis, and mass spectra also provides a hands-on guide for interpreting experimental spectral data and elucidating the structure of the respective compounds behind them. This fourth edition of the highly successful and concise textbook contains about 20% new data.
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Talentenwijzer / Druk 3
Toolkit talentontwikkeling met online test
2022 || Paperback || Djoerd Hiemstra || Boom || met inkijkexemplaar
Dit product bestaat uit een boek inclusief website met hierop o.a. het online boek.
Talentenwijzer biedt een toolkit voor talentontwikkeling. Deze
toolkit helpt je om het beste uit jezelf en uit je studie te halen.
Waar ben jij van nature goed in? Wat vind je leuk om te doen?
Waarin wil jij uitblinken? De oefeningen in dit werkboek geven je
inzicht in je persoonlijke kwaliteiten en leren je hoe je deze optimaal
kunt gebruiken en ontwikkelen in je studie, werk en vrije tijd.
Talentenwijzer is ...
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Chemometrie / Druk 4 (Heruitgave)
2019 || Paperback || J.P.M. Andries || Syntax Media || met inkijkexemplaar
Chemometrie is een nieuwe discipline binnen de chemie die zich in de analytische chemie een belangrijke plaats heeft weten te veroveren. Door toepassing van chemometrische technieken kan de kwaliteit van chemisch onderzoek worden verbeterd en kan er meer informatie worden verkregen uit de grote hoeveelheden data die tegenwoordig door moderne analyse-instrumenten in de laboratoria worden gegenereerd.
Sinds het verschijnen van de voorgaande drukken van dit boek hebben er belangrijke ontwikkeli...
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Chemistry plus Modified Mastering Chemistry with eText / 5th Global edition
A Molecular Approach
2021 || Paperback || Nivaldo J. Tro || Pearson
Actively engage students to become expert problem solvers and critical thinkers
Nivaldo Tro’s Chemistry: A Molecular Approach presents chemistry visually through multi-level images–macroscopic, molecular, and symbolic representations ― to help students see the connections between the world they see around them, the atoms and molecules that compose the world, and the formulas they write down on paper. Interactive, digital versions of selected worked examples instruct students how to brea...
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Practical Skills in Chemistry / 3rd Global edition
2017 || Paperback || John Dean || Pearson
Practical skills form the cornerstone of chemistry. However, the diversity of skills required in the laboratory means that a student's experience may be limited. While some techniques do require specific skills, many of them are transferable generic skills that are required throughout the subject area.
Limited time constraints of the modern curriculum often preclude or minimise laboratory time. Practical Skills in Chemistry 3rd edition provides a general guidance for use in and out of practic...
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Biochemistry: Concepts and Connections / 2nd edition
2018 || Paperback || Dean Appling || Pearson
For courses in biochemistry. Engage students in biochemistry visually and through real-world applications. Biochemistry: Concepts and Connections engages students with a unique approach to visualization, synthesis of complex topics, and connections to the real world. The author team builds quantitative reasoning skills and provides students with a rich, chemical perspective on biological processes. The text emphasizes fundamental concepts and connections, showing how biochemistry relates to p...
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Organic Chemistry with Mastering Chemistry and Pearson eText / 10th Global Edition
2022 || Paperback || Leroy Wade e.a. || Pearson
This title is a Pearson Global Edition. Theeditorial team at Pearson has worked closely with educators around the world toinclude content which is especially relevant to an international and diverseaudience. For coursesin Organic Chemistry (2 Semester) Engagestudents in complex problem solving with unparalleled pedagogy Wade & Simek's OrganicChemistry focuses students on the fundamental reasoning and principlesof organic chemistry without compromising the conceptual underpinnings andclear exp...