Resultaten (10)
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Milton Glaser, POP
2023 || Hardcover || Steven Heller e.a. || Phaidon Press Limited
An overview of the work of illustrator and designer Milton Glaser during the 1960s and 70s
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Language of Home
The Interiors of Foley & Cox
2023 || Hardcover || Michael Cox e.a. || Phaidon Press Limited
Incorporating both formal details and welcoming elements, a sophisticated and balanced look tailored to a sense of home, as shown through the portfolio of Foley & Cox
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Designed to Keep
2023 || Hardcover || Klaus Klemp || Phaidon Press Limited
The definitive history of Braun - the pioneering German electronics brand that changed the face of modern design
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Aino + Alvar Aalto
A Life Together
2023 || Hardcover || Heikki Aalto-Alanen || Phaidon Press Limited
A visual biography of Aino and Alvar Aalto, who designed some of the most iconic objects of the twentieth century
Aino and Alvar Aalto together founded Artek and created some of the most celebrated objects and buildings of the twentieth century. Through letters, documents, drawings, and family photographs, Alvar and Aino’s grandson tells the stories of their life together, in Finland and abroad, drawing on many of the never-before-published letters they sent to each other and to family, fri...
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The Atlas of Car Design
The World's Most Iconic Cars (Onyx Edition)
2023 || Hardcover || Jason Barlow e.a. || Phaidon Press Limited
A ground-breaking survey of more than 650 of the most exceptional cars ever designed, organized geographically
The Atlas of Car Design is a global survey of the world’s greatest car designs, featuring more than 650 of the most revered (and occasionally reviled) models, from more than 190 manufacturers and more than 30 countries. Organized geographically then chronologically by decade, the book covers more than a century of exceptional and noteworthy car design – from Japanese cult classic...
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Vrouwen in de vormgeving (Heruitgave)
2023 || Hardcover || Marjan Groot || nai010 uitgevers/publishers
De bijdrage van vrouwen aan de toegepaste kunst en industriële vormgeving in Nederland tussen 1880 en 1940 is sterk onderbelicht gebleven. En dat terwijl het een periode betreft waarin de emancipatie van vrouwen op veel gebieden vooruitgang boekte. In deze heruitgave van Vrouwen in de vormgeving worden de activiteiten van veelal vergeten vrouwelijke vormgevers opnieuw onder de aandacht gebracht.
Het boek gaat uitvoerig in op de deelname van vrouwen aan tentoonstellingen, de ateliers, winkels...
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2023 || Hardcover || Jonathan Olivares || Phaidon Press Limited
An authoritative chronicle of the design history of the skateboard, from its humble beginnings in the 1950s to the present day
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Dutch designers Yearbook 2023
2023 || Hardcover || Barbara van Santen e.a. || nai010 uitgevers/publishers
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Ezra Petronio
Visual Thinking & Image Making
2023 || Hardcover || Ezra Petronio || Phaidon Press Limited
The first comprehensive monograph on the work of one of the world's most influential art directors, Ezra Petronio
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