
Resultaten (314)

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met 5% korting 18,95


2023 || Paperback || Daniel Freeman || Veltman Distributie Import Books

What is paranoia? What makes us mistrustful? How can this be overcome?

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met 5% korting 65,55

Positive Psychology: A Workbook for Personal Growth and Well-Being

2023 || Paperback || USA) New York Edward L. (Yeshiva University Hoffman e.a. || SAGE

The Positive Psychology: A Workbook for Personal Growth and Well-Being is a companion workbook designed to accompany Compton and Hoffmans Positive Psychology: The Science of Happiness and Flourishing, 4e. The workbook aligns active learning and critical thinking applications with the twelve core chapters of Compton and Hoffmans textbook, but could easily be a benefit to other Positive Psychology texts or support courses and texts where a workbook centered on growth, well-being, and mindfulnes...

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met 5% korting 124,45

The Process of Research in Psychology

2023 || Paperback || Dawn M. McBride || SAGE

With a structure focused on process over memorization, best-selling author Dawn M. McBrides The Process of Research in Psychology, Fifth Edition covers topics with a step-by-step approach to help students understand the full progression of developing, conducting, and presenting a research study from start to finish. Early chapters introduce important concepts for developing research ideas, subject sampling, ethics, and data collection; more detailed coverage of these topics is included in the...

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met 5% korting 65,55

Successful Research Projects: A Step-by-Step Guide

2023 || Paperback || Beins || SAGE

Using a step-by-step active learning approach, Barney Beins guides students through the key actions required in research.

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met 5% korting 65,55

Running Behavioral Studies With Human Participants: A Practical Guide

2023 || Paperback || Ritter || SAGE

This text provides a concrete roadmap for the design and implementation of experiments using human participants. It covers both conceptual and practical issues that are critical to experimental methods, and the organization of the book follows the standard process in experiment-based research.

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met 5% korting 124,45

Research Methods: Designing and Conducting Research With a Real-World Focus

2023 || Paperback || Picardi || SAGE

Written by two psychologists with expertise in both teaching research methods and applying methods to diverse field settings, this advanced research methods textbook provides the tools and knowledge required to conduct relevant, high-quality research across a variety of settings.

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met 5% korting 61,75

Doing Qualitative Research Differently: A Psychosocial Approach / Druk 2

2023 || Paperback || Hollway || SAGE

Over ten years on, Hollway and Jefferson have updated their groundbreaking book for those looking to do qualitative research differently.

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met 5% korting 172,90

Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences

2023 || Paperback || Gregory J. Privitera || SAGE

The Fourth Edition of Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences by award-winning author Gregory Privitera aims to inspire students to use statistics properly to better understand the world around them.

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De kracht van betekenis

2023 || Paperback || Emily Esfahani Smith || Rainbow

In De kracht van betekenis stelt Emily Esfahani Smith dat we het verkeerde doel hebben nagejaagd. De westerse

cultuur is geobsedeerd door geluk. Toch voelen veel mensen zich vervreemd en doelloos, soms zelfs wanhopig.

Niet geluk, maar betekenis maakt het leven de moeite waard. Esfahani laat aan de hand van vier pijlers zien hoe we een zinvol leven kunnen vormgeven.

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met 5% korting 10,45

Sinds ik niet meer drink

2023 || Paperback || Evi Hanssen || Rainbow

Vanuit een verlangen naar controle, soberheid en een gezonder leven besliste Evi Hanssen geen druppel alcohol meer te drinken. Gedurende 500 dagen hield ze een dagboek bij waarin ze openhartig en honderduit vertelt over de vele beproevingen die ze op haar pad tegenkomt. Haar keuze om geestrijke dranken af te zweren heeft niet alleen fysieke gevolgen, het heeft ook een effect op haar vriendschappen, haar relatie, haar werk en haar zelfbeeld. Met de nodige dosis humor zoekt Evi uit wie ze nu pr...