
Wim Vegt (13)
M.M.H. Starmans (9)
Bart van der Lugt (5)
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Light contains the key to open the doors to Heaven. Unfortunately, the same key fits on the doors to Hell

|| Paperback || Wim Vegt || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar

When we look at todays Physics, we can only be impressed by an enormous amount of knowledge. But our modern knowledge of Physics has been based on a set of fundamental equations. A small change in one of these fundamental equations will change everything in physics.

Other Books from Wim Vegt in the series: “The POWER OF LIGHT”:

10) The Nikola Tesla Way of Energy Transport. ISBN: 9789402191349

9) The Rise of ELF Electromagnetic Attack Weapons and the Necessity of the Development of Corres...

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The power of the light rules over the shadows of the darkness

2018 || Paperback || Wim Vegt || Brave New Books

When you read this book, it is very likely that the world of Physics is still very calm. Like in the early morning, just when the sun rises. You feel peace and the birds start to wake up and you hear the first sounds breaking the silence of the night. The sounds of joy, the sounds of happiness, the sounds of peace. But it is the morning of the great battle. The battle in physics. Still everybody is asleep. There is no sign of aggression. But soon the armies will rise and the battle will be da...

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de Huygens-Newton paradox

2017 || Paperback || Bart van der Lugt || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar

Hoe kan het dat twee briljante en ervaren natuurkundigen, ieder voor zich voor de aard van het licht een theorie formuleerden die ogenschijnlijk geheel met elkaar in tegenspraak leken te zijn?

De golftheorie van Christiaan Huygens en de deeltjestheorie van sir Isaac Newton verschilden ogenschijnlijk zó van elkaar, dat dit vraagstuk de wetenschappelijke wereld nog zeker tweehonderd jaar zou bezighouden. Dit boek bevat het relaas van de zoektocht naar het antwoord op deze intrigerende vraag. Z...

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The Nikola Tesla Way of Energy Transport

Light contains the key to open the doors to Heaven. Unfortunately, the same key fits on the doors to Hell

|| Paperback || Wim Vegt || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar

Nikola Tesla has been one of the greatest scientists who has ever lived. His inventions still are amazing the world by his creativity and his unique way of thinking. One of his most powerful and unique ideas has been the concept of the possibility to transport massive amounts of energy through the air without any wires and finally (almost) realized before his death by his famous “Wardenclyffe Tower”.

Till now the “Wardenclyffe Tower” has not been very successful. Because at his time N...

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Particle-Wave-Mass Unification A New Theory in Quantum Physics

A Boundary Breaking New Theory in Quantum Physics

|| Paperback || Wim Vegt || Brave New Books

When you read this book, it is very likely that the world of Physics is still very calm. Like in the early morning, just when the sun rises. You feel peace and the birds start to wake up and you hear the first sounds breaking the silence of the night. The sounds of joy, the sounds of happiness, the sounds of peace. But it is the morning of the great battle. The battle in physics. Still everybody is asleep. There is no sign of aggression. But soon the armies will rise and the battle will be da...

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The World Beyond Black Holes

A physical background for Black Holes

2020 || Paperback || Wim Vegt || Brave New Books

To understand the physics of Black Holes, it is important to understand the first law in Physics which controls our entire universe. This is the law of “Perfect Equilibrium”. Within the entire universe there is always a prefect equilibrium between all the physical forces like gravity, forces of inertia, radiation pressure and Electro-Magnetic Interaction forces at any time, in any direction and at any space coordinate. This is the fundamental law in physics on which also the existence of ...

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Reizen met de Snelheid van het Licht der Tijd


|| Paperback || Vincent Massée || Brave New Books

Elk mens is gefascineerd door het idee naar verre sterren te kunnen reizen vanaf de Aarde.

In dit werk is de wetenschappelijke zijde van dit grote verhaal kort en helder beschreven in woord en beeld. Met eenvoudige middelen kunt

U een blik werpen op de nieuwe 21e eeuw die zal worden gezien als een eeuw met vele nieuwe gezichtspunten en grote ontdekkingen.

Het was tot nu toe niet mogelijk om over verre planeten te dromen, met dit werk wordt daaraan een goed begin gemaakt.

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The World Beyond Black Holes

A Mathematical Framework for the Electromagnetic-Gravitational Force Density Divisions of the Inner Structure Modes within Black Holes

2020 || Paperback || Wim Vegt || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar

To understand the physics of Black Holes, it is important to understand the first law in Physics which controls our entire universe. This is the law of “Perfect Equilibrium”. Within the entire universe there is always a prefect equilibrium between all the physical forces like gravity, forces of inertia, radiation pressure and Electro-Magnetic Interaction forces at any time, in any direction and at any space coordinate. This is the fundamental law in physics on which also the existence of ...

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Beyond Superstrings

The Origin of Electric Charge and Magnetic Spin

|| Paperback || Wim Vegt || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar

The world beyond Superstrings describes a world with dimensions smaller than Planck length (1.616229 x 10-35 [m] ). Since 1971 Superstrings, within the dimensions of the Planck length, have been considered to be the building element for elementary particles . The question rises: What are Superstrings made of? What is the building material for Superstrings? This book offers an attempt to find new answers beyond unknown borders.

To find the new unknown boundaries we have to go back in time. B...

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13 Groundbreaking Formulas

2024 || Paperback || Bart Bozon || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar

13 Groundbreaking Formulas. In my humble opinion formulas and equations are the gateway to deeper understanding. They can be powerful, magical and baffling. I hope you are

willing to take a journey with me. We will explore 13 groundbreaking formulas. What do they mean? Which concepts do they represent?