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Mind the Music
on improvisation, music and the brain
2023 || Paperback || Artur C Jaschke || uitgeverij HetMoet
In Toekomstmuziek bracht neurowetenschapper en jazzmuzikant Artur C. Jaschke zijn inzichten over de relatie tussen improvisatie, de hersenen en muziek voor het eerst naar een breder publiek, en in Mind the Music doet hij dat nu ook voor een Engelstalig publiek. Zijn kennis van muzikale cognitie en neurologie komt samen met een toegankelijke, inspirerende beschrijving van ons oer-menselijk vermogen tot improvisatie, een vermogen dat zijn weerklank vindt in elk aspect van de samenleving. Hoewel...
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Oriental Jazz Improvisation: Microtonality and Harmony
Employing Turkish Makam, Arabic Maqam & Northern Indian Raga Scales and Modes
2022 || Paperback || Thomas Mikosch || Bookmundo Direct
Oriental Jazz Improvisation: Microtonality and Harmony is a comprehensive study on setting Arabic, Turkish, and Northern Indian scales and modes into context and blending and employing them in improvisation. It contains about two dozen of the mentioned music cultures' scales and modes each as well as their transpositions. Scales and modes which any musician interested in South-Western Asian or Northern Indian music should be familiar with. It moreover contains numerous scales and modes of oth...
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Melodic Variation in Northern Low Countries Chant Manuscripts
2021 || Paperback || Rens Tienstra || Mijnbestseller.nl || met inkijkexemplaar
When one realises that thousands of liturgical chants were transmitted over more than three centuries in which there were no accurate means of melodic notation, the core repertoire of Gregorian plainchant has been transmitted with an astonishing degree of uniformity.
On the other hand, these chants are reflections of a living liturgy, and thus reflections of their particular surroundings: any monastic or collegial environment could develop its own conventions in relation to what only seems to...
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Performing by the Book?
Musical Negotiations between Text and Act
2024 || Paperback || Bruno Forment || Leuven University Press
To perform a musical score implies the transformation of a symbolically coded text into vibrant sound. In Performing by the Book? a carefully selected cadre of artist-researchers dissects this delicate act in critical ways. Offering first-hand insights into the notational, structural and interpretative challenges faced by musicians in dealing with texts of all kinds, the chapters traverse the spectrum between the Middle Ages and the age of Stockhausen. In a harmonious blend of scholarly allur...