
Hardcover (4)
Paperback (3)
2021 (3)
2017 (2)

Resultaten (7)

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Maaike Schoorel

Vera Icon

2021 || Paperback || Melissa Gordon e.a. || nai010 uitgevers publishers

De Nederlandse kunstenaar Maaike Schoorel (1973) behoort tot een nieuwe generatie internationaal georiënteerde schilders wiens werk refereert aan de traditionele schilderkunst en de mythische status van Nederland als schilderland. De onderwerpen van haar schilderijen, ontleend aan vertrouwde ervaringen en alledaagse ontmoetingen, openbaren zich pas na lang en geconcentreerd kijken. Schoorel gebruikt fotografische bronnen als startpunt voor haar schilderijen, die op hun beurt geworteld zijn i...

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Johan Maelwael

2017 || Hardcover || Pieter Roelofs || nai010 uitgevers publishers

Johan Maelwael (1365/70-1415), internationally known as Jean Malouel, was one of the most important West European artists of the late Middle Ages. He grew up in Nijmegen as a scion of a family of successful heraldic painters and later became the court painter of the Dukes of Burgundy. This great innovator in painting created his multifaceted oeuvre nearly a century before Hieronymus Bosch. His painting is characterized by elegantly sophisticated figures, a high degree of realism and a bright ...

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Matthijs Maris

2017 || Hardcover || Richard Bionda || nai010 uitgevers publishers

Matthijs Maris initially acquired fame as a painter in the style of the The Hague School, just like his famous brothers Jacob and Willem. However, over the years he abandoned this realistic palette for more introverted and symbolic themes and started portraying dreamy children, young people on the verge of adulthood, fairytale figures and mythical landscapes using an increasingly smudged painting technique. Even in his own time, Maris was admired at home and abroad by collectors and artists i...

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Jan Schoonhoven (ENG editie)

2015 || Hardcover || Antoon Melissen || nai010 uitgevers publishers

Jan Schoonhoven (1914-1994) became world-famous with his sculptural reliefs and works on paper. For nearly 40 years, Schoonhoven worked on developing his reliefs (made of papier-mâché, paper and cardboard) alongside his job as a civil servant at the Dutch Post Office.

For the first time, this monograph places Jan Schoonhoven in an international context, as an active and influential player in the European post-war developments in art. The early years are covered in detail: the influences of, ...

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Tjebbe Beekman

90 Paintings

2021 || Paperback || Hans den Hartog Jager e.a. || nai010 uitgevers publishers

For English see below

Het oeuvre van de Nederlandse schilder Tjebbe Beekman bestaat uit schilderijen van ruwe stedelijke landschappen en interieurs op groot formaat. Kenmerkend zijn de gelaagdheid en veelheid aan materiaal. Zo werkt hij met acrylverf, maar verwerkt hij ook touw, ijzerdraad en zand in zijn werken. De dynamische composities zijn afgewogen en zorgvuldig samengesteld aan de hand van foto’s. In zijn chaotische verbeeldingen is tegelijkertijd ritme aanwezig, een structuur en orde...

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Allart van Everdingen (1621-1675)

Master of the Rugged Landscape

2021 || Paperback || Christi M. Klinkert e.a. || nai010 uitgevers publishers

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met 5% korting 56,05

Shores Like You

|| Hardcover || Scarlet Hooft Graafland || nai010 uitgevers publishers

Scarlett Hooft Graafland (1973) creates magical photographic images of highaltitude salt flats in Bolivia, remote farming sheds in Iceland, the beaches of Dubai, Madagascar, the polar region and the village of Gorinchem, The Netherlands. Her work touches upon major themes such as the disappearance of traditional cultures and the fragility of nature, yet the tone is always light, colourful and surreal. Initially, Scarlett mainly took pictures to document her sculptures and performances, but he...