Resultaten (4)
Gardner's Art through the Ages
A Concise Western History
2016 || Paperback || Fred Kleiner || Cengage Learning
GARDNER'S ART THROUGH THE AGES: A CONCISE WESTERN HISTORY, provides you with a comprehensive, beautifully illustrated tour of the world's great artistic traditions, and, with MindTap, all of the online study tools you need to excel in your art history course! Easy to read and understand, the fourth edition includes new artists and provides a rich cultural backdrop for each of the covered periods and geographical locations.
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The Netherlandish drawings of the 16th century in the Teylers Museum
2016 || Hardcover || Yvonne Bleyerveld e.a. || Primavera
The collection of drawings Teyler's Museum has a widely known international reputation. This book is part of a series in which previously books were published on Italian drawings of the 15th and 16th century, and on Dutch drawings dating from 1575-1630 and 1740-1800. This book describes the 257 Netherlandish drawings by artists born before 1581. The most important group consists of no fewer than 125 sheets by Hendrick Goltzius; nowhere else in the world there are so many of his drawings. Othe...
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For Study and Delight
drawings and prints from Leiden University
2016 || Paperback || Jef Schaeps e.a. || Leiden Publications
200 years have passed since the founding of the Leiden Print Room, incorporated today into Leiden University Libraries. In celebration of that long, rich history this wide-ranging new publication presents a complete and varied survey of the Leiden collections, starting with rare drawings from the early sixteenth century and ending with recent acquisitions from just this past decade. From Jan Gossart and Barend van Orley to Carel Visser and Emo Verkerk, this work encompasses the history of two...
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vis-à-vis Of sponge, stone and the intertwinement with the here and now
a methodology of artistic research
2016 || Paperback || Janneke Wesseling || Valiz
Dit beknopte boek introduceert de notie van 'ervaring' als belangrijkste concept binnen de methodologie van artistiek onderzoek. Janneke Wesseling traceert een genealogie van 'ervaring' van William James, John Dewey en Alfred North Whitehead tot Brian Massumi en plaats dit in een theoretisch kader. Haar betoog is gebaseerd op de praktijk van artistiek onderzoek en de verwevenheid van denken en maken. Deze publicatie is een iets uitgebreidere versie van Wesselings inaugurele rede aan de Univer...