
Paperback (9)
Hardcover (4)
2024 (4)
2001 (2)
2019 (2)

Resultaten (13)

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

Change by Design / Revised, Updated Edition

How Design Thinking Transforms Organizations and Inspires Innovation

2019 || Hardcover || Tim Brown || HarperCollins || ook als eBook

The subject of "design thinking" is the rage at business schools, throughout corporations, and increasingly in the popular press--due in large part to work of IDEO, a leading design firm, and its celebrated CEO, Tim Brown, who uses this book to show how the techniques and strategies of design belong at every level of business.

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morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 11,35

Never Split the Difference

Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It

2018 || Paperback || Chris Voss e.a. || HarperCollins

From policing the rough streets of Kansas City, Missouri, to becoming the FBI's lead international kidnapping negotiator to teaching negotiation at leading universities, Chris Voss has tested the techniques in Never Split the Difference across the full spectrum of human endeavor and proved their effectiveness. Those who have benefited from these techniques include business clients generating millions in additional profits, MBA students getting better jobs, and even parents dealing with their ...

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met 5% korting 20,89

Financial Selfcare

Zorg goed voor jouw financiƫle toekomst

2024 || Paperback || Lieke Danenberg e.a. || HarperCollins || met inkijkexemplaar

In Financial Selfcare delen Lieke Danenberg en Puck Landewé van het platform Elfin hun ultieme stappenplan voor financiële onafhankelijkheid.

Geld. We praten er liever niet over, maar we willen er allemaal genoeg van hebben. Al maakt geld niet gelukkig, het maakt het leven wel gemakkelijker. Het probleem is alleen dat veel mensen niet weten hoe ze ermee om moeten gaan. Wat is investeren? Hoe werkt beleggen? Helpt het bijhouden van een ouderwets kasboekje? Moet ik bitcoins kopen...

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Wie is hier de baas?

De wereld van het arbeidsrecht, simpel uitgelegd

2023 || Paperback || Elias Schenk || HarperCollins

Bekend van TikTok: @arbeidsrechtfeitjes. Wat zijn jouw rechten op de werkvloer?

De arbeidswetten in Nederland behoren tot de meest beschermende ter wereld. Toch weten veel mensen niet welke rechten (en plichten) ze nu eigenlijk hebben en gaat er helaas veel mis op de werkvloer.

Elias Schenk besloot om het arbeidsrecht uit te leggen op TikTok, en miljoenen mensen bevestigden dat dat nodig was. Want waar moet je op letten bij het tekenen van een arbeidsovereenkomst? Wat te doen bij ziekte, warm w...

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morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 10,21

The Happiness Project Tenth Anniversary Edition

Or, Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun

2024 || Paperback || Gretchen Rubin || HarperCollins

Gretchen Rubin had an epiphany one rainy afternoon in the unlikeliest of places: a city bus. ?The days are long, but the years are short,? she realized. ?Time is passing, and I'm not focusing enough on the things that really matter.? In that moment, she decided to dedicate a year to her happiness project.In this lively and compelling account?now updated with new material by the author?Rubin chronicles her adventures during the twelve months she spent test-driving the wisdom of the ages, curre...

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Attention Span

Finding Focus for a Fulfilling Life

2024 || Paperback || Gloria Mark || HarperCollins

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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Good to Great

Why Some Companies Make the Leap...And Others Don't

2001 || Hardcover || Jim Collins || HarperCollins

The Challenge

Built to Last, the defining management study of the nineties, showed how great companies triumph over time and how long-term sustained performance can be engineered into the DNA of an enterprise from the very beginning.

But what about the company that is not born with great DNA? How can good companies, mediocre companies, even bad companies achieve enduring greatness?

The Study

For years, this question preyed on the mind of Jim Collins. Are there companies that defy gravity and ...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Designing Dynamic Organizations

2001 || Paperback || Jay R. Galbraith e.a. || HarperCollins

Which business structures are best suited to the unpredictable 21st century? How can a company, division, or department reconfigure itself with minimum disruption and maximum impact? This title shows business leaders at all levels how to examine their choices by leading them systematically through these fundamental questions.

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The Diary of a CEO

De 33 wetten van zakendoen en leven

2024 || Paperback || Steven Bartlett || HarperCollins

De bestseller van podcaster en Dragon’s Den-jurylid Steven Bartlett over de principes van succes, zowel zakelijk als privé.

Steven Bartlett is een van de opvallendste ondernemers ter wereld en de host van de succesvolle podcast The Diary of a CEO. In dit gelijknamige boek presenteert hij zijn 33 fundamentele wetten op het gebied van zakendoen en het leven.

Geïnspireerd door zijn eigen succes én falen als ondernemer en door de gesprekken die hij in...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

The Business of Platforms

Strategy in the Age of Digital Competition, Innovation, and Power

2021 || Hardcover || Michael A. Cusumano e.a. || HarperCollins

A trio of experts on high-tech business strategy and innovation reveal the principles that have made platform businesses the most valuable firms in the world and the first trillion-dollar companies. Managers and entrepreneurs in the digital era must learn to live in two worlds-the conventional economy and the platform economy. Platforms that operate for business purposes usually exist at the level of an industry or ecosystem, bringing together individuals and organizations so they can innovat...