
Paperback (14)
Hardcover (2)
2018 (3)
2022 (3)
2015 (2)
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Hogeschool Rotterdam (2)
Pearson (3)
Elsevier (2)
O'Reilly (2)

Resultaten (16)

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Big Data Analytics

A Practical Guide for Managers

2015 || Hardcover || Kim H. Pries e.a. || Taylor & Francis

With this book, managers and decision makers are given the tools to make more informed decisions about big data purchasing initiatives. Big Data Analytics: A Practical Guide for Managers not only supplies descriptions of common tools, but also surveys the various products and vendors that supply the big data market. Comparing and contrasting the different types of analysis commonly conducted with big data, this accessible reference presents clear-cut explanations of the general workings of bi...

Levertijd: 11 werkdagen

Building a Scalable Data Warehouse

2021 || Paperback || Daniel Linstedt e.a. || Elsevier

Building a Scalable Data Warehouse with Data Vault 2.0 covers everything users need to create a scalable data warehouse from scratch, including a presentation of the Data Vault modeling technique, which provides the foundations to create a technical data warehouse layer. In addition, the book presents tactics on how to create the input layer (the stage layer) and the presentation layer (data mart) of the Data Vault 2.0 standard. Drawing upon years of practical experience and using numerous ex...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB Revealed

A Multi-Model Database Designed for the Cloud

2022 || Paperback || Jose Rolando Guay Paz || Springer Nature B.V.

Tagline: Building globally distributed mission-critical applications

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Designing Data-Intensive Applications

The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems

2018 || Paperback || Martin Kleppmann || O'Reilly

Data is at the center of many challenges in system design today. Difficult issues need to be figured out, such as scalability, consistency, reliability, efficiency, and maintainability. In addition, we have an overwhelming variety of tools, including NoSQL datastores, stream or batch processors, and message brokers.

What are the right choices for your application? How do you make sense of all these buzzwords? In this practical and comprehensive guide, author Martin Kleppmann helps you navigat...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Introduction to Data Science / 1st Edition

A Python Approach to Concepts, Techniques and Applications

2023 || Paperback || Laura Igual e.a. || Springer Int. Publishing AG

This accessible and classroom-tested textbook/reference presents an introduction to the fundamentals of the emerging and interdisciplinary field of data science. The coverage spans key concepts adopted from statistics and machine learning, useful techniques for graph analysis and parallel programming, and the practical application of data science for such tasks as building recommender systems or performing sentiment analysis. Topics and features: provides numerous practical case studies using...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Seven Databases in Seven Weeks 2e

A Guide to Modern Databases and the NoSQL Movement

2018 || Paperback || Luc Perkins e.a. || Pragmatic Bookshelf

This is the only comprehensive guide to the world of NoSQL databases, with in-depth practical and conceptual introductions to seven different technologies: Redis, Neo4J, CouchDB, MongoDB, HBase, Postgres, and DynamoDB. This second edition includes a new chapter on DynamoDB and updated content for each chapter.

Data is getting bigger and more complex by the day, and so are your choices in handling it. Explore some of the most cutting-edge databases available - from traditional relational datab...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

ISE Database System Concepts / 7th edition

2019 || Paperback || Abraham Silberschatz e.a. || McGraw-Hill

Database System Concepts by Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan is now in its 7th edition and is one of the cornerstone texts of database education. It presents the fundamental concepts of database management in an intuitive manner geared toward allowing students to begin working with databases as quickly as possible. The text is designed for a first course in databases at the junior/senior undergraduate level or the first year graduate level.

It also contains additional material that can be us...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice / 8th edition

2022 || Paperback || William Stallings || Pearson

For courses in Cryptography, Computer Security, and Network Security.

Keep pace with the fast-moving field of cryptography and network security

Stallings' Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice introduces students to the compelling and evolving field of cryptography and network security. In an age of viruses and hackers, electronic eavesdropping, and electronic fraud on a global scale, security is paramount. The purpose of this book is to provide a practical survey of bot...

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met 5% korting 93,10

An Introduction to Data Science With Python

2024 || Paperback || Jeffrey S. Saltz e.a. || SAGE

For those new to Python and data science, this text guides readers through the tools and techniques used to analyze data and generate predictive models. This book starts with the basics, includes practice questions to check understanding, and delves into advanced topics like neural networks and deep learning, all with clarity and a touch of humor.

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design, and Implementatio

2015 || Paperback || David Kroenke e.a. || Pearson

For undergraduate database management courses. Get Students Straight to the Point of Database ProcessingDatabase Processing: Fundamentals, Design, and Implementation reflects a new teaching and professional workplace environment and method that gets students straight to the point with its thorough and modern presentation of database processing fundamentals. The Fourteenth Edition has been thoroughly updated to reflect the latest software.