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Surgical Anatomy

[Illustrated With Sixty-Eight Coloured Plates]

2025 || Paperback || Joseph Maclise || E-Kitap Projesi & Cheapest Books

That department of anatomical research to which the name topographical strictly applies, as confining itself to the mere account of the form and relative location of the several organs comprising the animal body, is almost wholly isolated from the main questions of physiological and transcendental interest, and cannot, therefore, be supposed to speak in those comprehensive views which anatomy, taken in its widest signification as a science, necessarily includes.

While the anatomist contents...

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The Anatomy of the Human Skeleton

2025 || Paperback || J. Ernest Frazer || E-Kitap Projesi & Cheapest Books

In this book I have ventured to wander in some degree from the well-trodden road and to lead the reader by other ways to the comprehension of his subject. My intention has been to induce him to think of the bones as they exist in the body rather than as they lie on the table before him, and to do this I have laid stress because he must use the prepared specimens on the meaning of small details and on the relations of the bone, and have relegated the pure description of the dry bone to a secon...

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Gray's Anatomy

(Descriptive & Surgical)

2025 || Paperback || Henry Gray || E-Kitap Projesi & Cheapest Books

HENRY GRAY [1827 – 1861] was an English anatomist and surgeon most notable for publishing the book Gray's Anatomy. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS) at the age of 25.

While still a student, Gray secured the triennial prize of Royal College of Surgeons in 1848 for an essay entitled The Origin, Connexions and Distribution of nerves to the human eye and its appendages, illustrated by comparative dissections of the eye in other vertebrate animals.

In 1852, at the early age of...

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The Biology of Sex

2025 || Paperback || Gideon Dietrich || E-Kitap Projesi & Cheapest Books

It is therefore evident that in order to understand propagation and just what is implied in the act we must make a closer analysis of cell-division, which will be attempted in the next chapters in this book.

Aside from the complex secondary aid which sex has given to the process of propagation among the higher forms of life, the most important fact which has always led to the conclusion that the two must have an elementary relation is the fact of fertilization.

We might easily understand ho...

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General Biology

2025 || Paperback || William Thompson Sedgwick || E-Kitap Projesi & Cheapest Books

The powers of living matter are still more characteristic. It is continually wasting away by a kind of internal combustion, but continually repairs the waste by the processes of growth.

Moreover, this growth is of a characteristic kind, differing absolutely from the so-called growth of lifeless things. Crystals and other lifeless bodies grow, if at all, by accretion, or the addition of new particles to the outside. Living matter grows from within by intus-susception, or taking in new particle...

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met 5% korting 23,74

Mathematical Geography

2025 || Paperback || Willis E. Johnson || E-Kitap Projesi & Cheapest Books

In the greatly awakened interest in the common-school subjects during recent years, geography has received a large share. The establishment of chairs of geography in some of our greatest universities, the giving of college courses in physiography, meteorology, and commerce, and the general extension of geography courses in normal schools, academies, and high schools, may be cited as evidence of this growing appreciation of the importance of the subject.

While physiographic processes and resul...

Leverbaar vanaf 17 juli

Een Immense wereld / Druk 5

hoe dierlijke zintuigen de verborgen dimensies om ons heen onthullen

2025 || Paperback || Ed Yong || Atlas Contact || met inkijkexemplaar

Een van de 10 beste boeken van 2022 volgens The New York Times Book Review.

Wetenschapsjournalist Ed Yong leidt ons in 'Een immense wereld' voorbij de grenzen van onze eigen zintuigen. Hoe mensen de aarde waarnemen is maar een een van de vele perspectieven op onze wereld. Net zoals elk dier zitten wij opgesloten in onze eigen unieke zintuiglijke bubbel, en nemen we maar een heel klein deel waar van die immense wereld.

Dit boek verwelkomt ons in dimensies die voorheen ondoorgrondelijk waren â€...

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met 5% korting 40,85

Biologie van de psychologie

Hoe onze hersenen ons gedrag mee bepalen

2025 || Paperback || Frederik Houben e.a. || Owl Press

Biologie van de psychologie neemt je mee in de fascinerende wisselwerking tussen biologie en psychologie. De mens is een complex wezen, niet alleen gevormd door biologische processen, maar ook door psychologische invloeden. Hoe beïnvloedt onze genetische opmaak ons gedrag? Welke rol speelt ons zenuwstelsel bij het aansturen van gedrag, gedachten en emoties? En hoe ontwikkelen onze hersenen zich, zelfs ver voorbij de volwassenheid?

Dit handboek biedt je unieke blik op hoe het menselijk brein ...