Resultaten (4)
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Nature Interprets Man
Reading by Osmosis
2019 || Paperback || Sema Bekirovic e.a. || nai010 uitgevers publishers
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Reading by Osmosis. Nature Interprets Us toont kunstwerken die niet door mensenhanden zijn gemaakt: een overwoekerd hek, een onderwatervideo, een gehavende discobal. De makers? Klimop, een octopus en de tijd. Als we erkennen dat ook dieren en planten de wereld ‘lezen’, interpreteren en (op artistieke wijze) transformeren, is de traditionele tegenstelling tussen cultuur en natuur dan nog langer houdbaar?
Semâ Bekirovic herkent zich niet in het beeld van de kun...
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Reflect 8 Art and Activism in the Age of Globalisation
2015 || Paperback || Lieven de Cauter e.a. || nai010 uitgevers publishers
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Public Art for Public Life
Learnings from Observatorium
2022 || Paperback || Geert van de Camp e.a. || nai010 uitgevers publishers
An observatory is a place for the observation of the universe. The artists of Observatorium, however, cast their gaze upon the inhabited world. All over the planet, they have created works of art that are not only to look at, but also to enter, observe and reflect from. Over the past 30 years, Observatorium produced an internationally significant body of work, from the sculpture Zandwacht (Sand Watch) in the Port of Rotterdam to Dwelling in Seclusion, a work of art devoted to solitude in New ...
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2017 || Hardcover || Jenny Reynaerts || nai010 uitgevers publishers
A splendid publication about the 100 finest and most important objects included in the 1800-1900 art and historical collection of the Rijksmuseum. From Jan Willem Pieneman's huge painting The Battle of Waterloo to Vincent van Gogh's self-portrait; from the piano once owned by Louis Napoleon to the most beautiful art nouveau vases; from the most famous The Hague School and Breitner paintings to the exuberant applied art once displayed at world exhibitions. Each of the 100 objects is accompanie...