Resultaten (98)

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Islands of Salt

Historical Archaeology of Seafarers and Things in the Venezuelan Caribbean, 1624–1880

2019 || Hardcover || Konrad Antczak || Sidestone Press Academics

The early-modern Venezuelan Caribbean did not lure seafarers with the saccharine delights of cane sugar but with the preserving qualities of solar sea salt. In this book, the historical archaeological study of this salty commodity offers a unique entryway into the hitherto unknown maritime mobilities and daily lives of the seafarers who camped at the saltpans of Venezuelan islands from the seventeenth to the late nineteenth centuries, cultivating and harvesting the white crystal of the sea.


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Pre-Colonial and Post-Contact Archaeology in Barbados

Past, Present, and Future Research Directions

2019 || Hardcover || Maaike De Waal e.a. || Sidestone Press Academics

This volume provides one of the most comprehensive overviews of the archaeology of a single Caribbean island yet published. Drawing together scholars from the Caribbean, north America and Europe, all working from a range of disciplines within the broader scope of archaeology, and drawing upon recent and innovative fieldwork, the collected papers touch upon a wider variety of archaeological case studies.

Divided into four sections each under the editorial supervision of a specialist scholar, t...

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Insights into Social Inequality

A Quantitative Study of Neolithic to Early Medieval Societies in Southwest Germany

2020 || Hardcover || Ralph Grossmann || Sidestone Press Academics

Social inequality is a subject of contemporary concerns. Life capabilities and the access to resources vary significantly in rich and poor countries, between elites and others. Furthermore, inequalities based on bio-anthropological and non-bio-anthropological causes are almost universal. Accordingly, inequality was also inherent in past societies and archaeologists have continually examined and interpreted social inequalities in sources such as burial grounds.

This book continues such analyse...

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Le verre de l'Europe celtique

Approches archéométriques, technologiques et sociales d'un artisanat du prestige au second âge du Fer

2021 || Hardcover || Joëlle Rolland || Sidestone Press Dissertations

Au cours des quatre derniers siècles av. n.è. les sociétés d’Europe continentale de la culture dite de La Tène développent leur propre artisanat du verre. Cette période de mutations économiques et sociales saisissantes, où les centres urbains et les réseaux d’habitats hiérarchisés se déploient, connaît également une intensification et une diversification des productions artisanales et agricoles. De l’agriculture à la métallurgie, l’étude des spécialisations artisana...

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Archaeological Footwear II

Sandals, Pattens and Mules, from the Roman, Mediaeval and Modern periods

2022 || Hardcover || Marquita Volken || Spa uitgevers B.V.

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Metaaltijden 11

Bijdragen in de studie van de metaaltijden

2024 || Hardcover || Nynke de Vries || Sidestone Press

Normaal gesproken vormt deze bundel de neerslag van de laatste metaaltijdendag. Op 20 oktober 2023 was de metaaltijdendag te gast in Tiel, en werden de resultaten van het grootste onderzoek Tiel-Medel gepresenteerd. De onderzoekers hadden begrijpelijk wel genoeg geschreven over Tiel, en in deze bundel zijn dan ook geen bijdragen over Tiel te vinden. Wat wel te vinden is, is een breed scala aan bijdragen over objecten en nederzettingen, van speerpunten tot spiegels, en van compacte dorpen tot ...

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Containers of Change

Ancient Container Technologies from Eastern to Western Asia

2023 || Hardcover || Olivier Nieuwenhuyse e.a. || Sidestone Press Academics

Across Western Asia, the astonishing increase in the availability of durable ceramic containers in the seventh millennium BCE had significant societal repercussions – so much so that vital social, economic, and symbolic activities became dependent upon the availability of pottery containers. These early ceramic containers, however, established themselves alongside flourishing pre-existing container traditions, with vessels made in a wide range of materials including clay, bitumen, basketry,...

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Rethinking Neolithic Societies

New Perspectives on Social Relations, Political Organization and Cohabitation

2023 || Hardcover || Caroline Heitz e.a. || Sidestone Press Academics

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Mediterranean Connections

How the sea links people and transforms identities

2023 || Hardcover || L. Schmidt e.a. || Sidestone Press Academics

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Figurine-making in the Neolithic Aegean

2024 || Hardcover || Stratos Nanoglou e.a. || Sidestone Press Academics

This volume presents a cutting-edge perspective on figurine studies in the Neolithic Aegean, sparking renewed interest and innovative ideas. It celebrates two significant milestones in the field: the 50th anniversary of Giorgos Hourmouziadis’ Ph.D. thesis (submitted in 1973 and published in 1974) and the 30th anniversary of Lauren Talalay’s Ph.D. thesis (submitted in 1983 and published in 1993).

Central to this work are three key questions: What advancements have been made since these sem...