Resultaten (14)
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Counselling for Grief and Bereavement
2021 || Paperback || Geraldine M. Humphrey e.a. || SAGE
Serves as a guide for professionals who work with people experiencing bereavement through death and other forms of loss. Focusing on practical assessment and intervention strategies, this book guides readers through the theory and skills needed to work with clients in a way which initiates healing and promotes a sense of growth.
Reflections on Fieldwork in Morocco / 2nd edition
2007 || Paperback || Paul Rabinow e.a. || University of California Press
In this landmark study, now celebrating thirty years in print, Paul Rabinow takes as his focus the fieldwork that anthropologists do. How valid is the process? To what extent do the cultural data become artifacts of the interaction between anthropologist and informants? Having first published a more standard ethnographic study about Morocco, Rabinow here describes a series of encounters with his informants in that study, from a French innkeeper clinging to the vestiges of a colonial past, to ...
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Beeldende therapie bij persoonlijkheidsproblematiek
2007 || Hardcover || S. Haeyen || Bohn Stafleu van Loghum
Beeldende therapie is bedoeld voor mensen die met beelden hun gevoelens beter kunnen bereiken dan met woorden. De auteur laat op een aansprekende manier zien wat de mogelijkheden van beeldende therapie zijn bij cliënten met persoonlijkheidsproblematiek.In het theoriegedeelte komt een aantal basale thema's bij cliënten met persoonlijkheidsproblematiek aan de orde. De theorie wordt verhelderd met diverse praktijkvoorbeelden en verslagen van een (ex–)cliënt. Ook bevat het een evidence–bas...
The Transnational Studies Reader
Intersections and Innovations
2007 || Paperback || Sanjeev Khagram || Taylor & Francis
In recent years, 'transnationalism' has become a key analytical concept across the social sciences. While theoretical approaches to the study of global social phenomena have traditionally focused on the nation-state as the central defining framework, transnational studies views social experience as a complex and dynamic product of multiple regional, ethnic, and institutional identities. Far from being static or bounded by national borders, social, political, and economic forces operate on sup...
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Psychotherapy and Counselling for Depression
2007 || Paperback || Prof Paul Gilbert || SAGE
A practical guide to working with people suffering from depression. It outlines how to work with general negativity, sense of failure and abandonment, and feelings of powerlessness, anger, shame and guilt. It examines the essential stages of the therapeutic process from conceptualization and formulation through to a wide variety of interventions.
The Heritage Reader / 1st edition
2007 || Paperback || Graham Fairclough e.a. || Taylor & Francis
This resource is a much-needed support to the few textbooks in the field and offers an excellent introduction and overview to the established principles and new thinking in cultural heritage management . Leading experts in the field from Europe, North America and Australia, bring together recent and innovative works in the field. With geographically and thematically diverse case studies, they examine the theoretical framework for heritage resource management.
Setting significant new thinking ...
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What is Gender?
Sociological Approaches
2007 || Paperback || Mary Holmes || SAGE
What is Gender? explores these complex and important questions, helping readers to critically analyze how women's and men's lives are shaped by the society in which they live. The book offers a comprehensive account of trends in sociological thinking, from a material and economic focus on gender inequalities to the debates about meaning initiated by the linguistic or cultural turn.
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Person-Centred Counselling Psychology
An Introduction
2007 || Paperback || Ewan Gillon || SAGE
An introduction to the philosophy, theory and practice of the person-centred approach. Focusing on the psychological underpinnings of the approach, this book describes the theory of personality on which it is based and the nature of the therapeutic which is characterised by: unconditional positive regard, empathy, and congruence.
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Solution-Focused Groupwork
2007 || Paperback || John Sharry || SAGE
A guide for professionals who use groups to help people. It provides exercises for use in practice; guidance on evaluating the outcomes of group work; and, models for group supervision. It shows practitioners how to create group culture and how to maintain this culture in spite of the challenges, tensions and difficulties that arise within groups.
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Handbook of Ethnography
2021 || Paperback || Paul Atkinson e.a. || SAGE
Ethnography is one of the chief research methods in sociology, anthropology and other cognate disciplines in the social sciences. This book provides an unparalleled, critical guide to its principles and practice.