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vandaag verzonden
General Introduction to Pure Phenomenology
2024 || Paperback || Edmund Husserl || Taylor & Francis Group Limited
With a new foreword by Dermot Moran
'the work here presented seeks to found a new science - though, indeed, the whole course of philosophical development since Descartes has been preparing the way for it - a science covering a new field of experience, exclusively its own, that of "Transcendental Subjectivity"' - Edmund Husserl, from the author's preface to the English Edition
Widely regarded as the principal founder of phenomenology, one of the most important movements in twentieth century ph...
Cartesian Meditations
An Introduction to Phenomenology
1960 || Softback || Edmund Husserl || Springer
1. Descartes' Meditations as the prototype of philosophical reflection. I have partieular reason for being glad that I may talk about transeendental phenomenology in this, the most venerable abode of Freneh seienee.l Franee's greatest thinker, Rene Deseartes, gave transeendental phenomenology new impulses through his Meditations; their study aeted quite direetly on the transfor- mation of an already developing phenomenology into a new kind of transeendental philosophy. Aeeordingly one might a...