
Hardcover (2)
Paperback (2)
Engels (3)
Pearson (2)
Automotive (2)

Studieboeken (4)

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Engineering Mechanics: Statics Plus MasteringEngineering / 14th edition

2016 || Paperback || Russell C. Hibbeler || Pearson

For Dynamics Courses. This package includes MasteringEngineering. A Proven Approach to Conceptual Understanding and Problem-solving SkillsEngineering Mechanics: Statics excels in providing a clear and thorough presentation of the theory and application of engineering mechanics.

Engineering Mechanics empowers students to succeed by drawing upon Prof. HibbelerThe Fourteenth Edition includes new Preliminary Problems, which are intended to help students develop conceptual understanding and build ...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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met 5% korting 30,35

Handboek leren leren voor het voortgezet onderwijs / Druk 3

5 krachtige leerprincipes vertaald naar de praktijk

2016 || Paperback || Inge Verstraete e.a. || Uitgeverij Pica

Het Handboek leren leren bevat actuele theorieën, praktische inspiratiebladen en direct inzetbare formats die door alle leraren in alle vakgebieden kunnen worden gebruikt. De auteurs onderstrepen het belang van vijf krachtige leerprincipes die ze uitvoerig behandelen, te weten:

• Zelfregulatie

• Metacognitie

• Leerstrategieën

• Leermeesters

• Rijke leeromgeving

De praktische handvatten in dit boek kunnen leraren helpen om leerlingen optimaal te laten leren. Hiermee kan tevens het ...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Green Chemistry / 1st revised edition

An Introductory Text

2016 || Hardcover || Mike Lancaster || Royal Society of Chemistry

Sustainable development, the circular economy and environmental issues are at the forefront of public and Government concern. The field of green chemistry aims to provide environmentally benign products from sustainable resources, using processes that do not harm people or the environment at the same time as helping solve key societal problems such as climate change. Updated throughout, this third edition features an expanded section on legislation, a revised chapter on measurement, and a com...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Mechanics of Materials

2016 || Hardcover || Russell Hibbeler || Pearson

Mechanics of Materials clearly and thoroughly presents the theory and supports the application of essential mechanics of materials principles. Professor Hibbeler's concise writing style, countless examples, and stunning four-color photorealistic art program help you visualize and master difficult concepts. The 10th Edition retains the hallmark features synonymous with the Hibbeler franchise, and is enhanced with the most current information, a fresh new layout, added problem solving, and incr...