Studieboeken (6)
vandaag verzonden
Statistics / 5th edition
Informed Decisions Using Data
2017 || Paperback || Michael Sullivan || Pearson
For courses in introductory statistics. Statistics: Informed Decisions Using Data gives students the tools to see a bigger picture and make informed choices. As a current introductory statistics instructor, Mike Sullivan III presents a text that is filled with ideas and strategies that work in today's classroom.
His practical emphasis resonates with students and helps them see that statistics is connected, not only to individual concepts, but also with the world at large.
vandaag verzonden
Engineering Mathematics Through Applications / 2nd edition
2011 || Paperback || Kuldeep Singh || Bloomsbury Publishing
This popular, world-wide selling textbook teaches engineering mathematics in a step-by-step fashion and uniquely through engineering examples and exercises which apply the techniques right from their introduction. This contextual use of mathematics is highly motivating, as with every topic and each new page students see the importance and relevance of mathematics in engineering. The examples are taken from mechanics, aerodynamics, electronics, engineering, fluid dynamics and other areas.
Writing Excel Macros with VBA
2021 || Paperback || Steven Roman || O'Reilly
Updated for Excel 2002, this text offers Excel power-users, as well as programmers who are unfamiliar with the Excel object model, with an introduction to writing Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macros and programs for Excel.
Linear Algebra / 4th edition
A Modern Introduction
2014 || Hardcover || David Poole || Cengage Learning
David Poole's innovative LINEAR ALGEBRA: A MODERN INTRODUCTION, 4e emphasizes a vectors approach and better prepares students to make the transition from computational to theoretical mathematics. Balancing theory and applications, the book is written in a conversational style and combines a traditional presentation with a focus on student-centered learning. Theoretical, computational, and applied topics are presented in a flexible yet integrated way.
Stressing geometric understanding before c...
Optimization in Operations Research: Pearson New International Edition
2013 || Paperback || Ronald Rardin || Pearson
For first courses in operations research, operations management. Covers a broad range of optimization techniques, including linear programming, network flows, integer/combinational optimization, and nonlinear programming. Emphasizes the importance of modeling and problem formulation, this text teaches students how to apply algorithms to real-world problems to arrive at optimal solutions.
ISE Introduction to Operations Research / 11th edition
2020 || Paperback || Frederick Hillier e.a. || McGraw-Hill
For over four decades, Introduction to Operations Research has been the classic text on operations research. While building on the classic strengths of the text, the author continues to find new ways to make the text current and relevant to students. One way is by incorporating a wealth of state-of-the art, user-friendly software and more coverage of business applications than ever before.
When the first co-author received the prestigious Expository Writing Award from INFORMS for a recent edi...