Studieboeken (4)

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Electrical Engineering: Principles and Applications / 7th Global Edition

2018 || Paperback || Allan Hambley || Pearson || ook als eBook

For courses in Electrical Engineering. Accessible and applicable learning in electrical engineering for introductory and non-major courses The #1 title in its market, Electrical Engineering: Principles and Applications helps students learn electrical-engineering fundamentals with minimal frustration. Its goals are to present basic concepts in a general setting, to show students how the principles of electrical engineering apply to specific problems in their own fields, and to enhance the over...

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met 5% korting 68,88

Statistiek met MyLab / Druk 12

2018 || Paperback || James T. McClave e.a. || Pearson Benelux B.V. || met inkijkexemplaar

Statistiek behandelt het verzamelen en analyseren van gegevens die nodig zn b het interpreteren van statistische onderzoeken. Het boek gaat uit van slechts een basale wiskundige voorkennis en legt vooral de nadruk op verklarende statistiek. De ontwikkeling van een statistische manier van denken staat centraal, evenals de vaststelling van betrouwbaarheid en waarde van getrokken conclusies. De voorbeelden komen zowel uit de bedrfskundige en economische praktk, als uit medisch, biologisch, techn...

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Electronic Devices / 10th edition

Conventional Current Edition

2018 || Paperback || Thomas Floyd || Pearson || ook als eBook

For courses in basic electronics and electronic devices and circuits A user-friendly, hands-on introduction to electronic devices filled with practical applications and software simulationElectronic Devices (Conventional Current Version), 10/e, provides a solid foundation in basic analog electronics and a thorough introduction to analog integrated circuits and programmable devices. The text identifies the circuits and components within a system, helping students see how the circuit relates to...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Materials : Engineering, Science, Processing and Design / 4th Edition

2018 || Paperback || Michael Ashby e.a. || Elsevier || ook als eBook

Materials: Engineering, Science, Processing and Design is the essential materials engineering text and resource for students developing skills and understanding of materials properties and selection for engineering applications. Taking a unique design-led approach that is broader in scope than other texts, Materials meets the curriculum needs of a wide variety of courses in the materials and design field, including introduction to materials science and engineering, engineering materials, mate...