Studieboeken (4)
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Elements of Physical Chemistry / 7th edition
2016 || Paperback || Peter Atkins || Oxford University Press
The ideal course companion, Elements of Physical Chemistry is written specifically with the needs of undergraduate students in mind, and provides extensive mathematical and pedagogical support while remaining concise and accessible. For the seventh edition of this much-loved text, the material has been reorganized into short Topics, which are grouped into thematic Focus sections to make the text more digestible for students, and more flexible for lecturers to teach from. At the beginning of e...
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Organic Chemistry / 8th Global Edition
2016 || Paperback || Paula Yurkanis Bruice || Pearson || ook als eBook
For courses in Organic Chemistry (2-Semester) A framework for organic chemistry built around the similarities in reaction types Paula Bruice's presentation in Organic Chemistry, Eighth Edition provides mixed-science majors with the conceptual foundations, chemical logic, and problem-solving skills they need to reason their way to solutions for diverse problems in synthetic organic chemistry, biochemistry, and medicine. The Eighth Edition builds a strong framework for thinking about organic ch...
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Het Chemisch practicum / Druk 5
een laboratoriumhandboek
2016 || Paperback || R. Udo e.a. || ThiemeMeulenhoff bv
Dit laboratoriumhandboek is een waardevol naslagwerk voor iedereen die met chemisch practicum te maken heeft: studenten en docenten in het voortgezet onderwijs, mbo en hbo, technisch onderwijspersoneel en laboratoriummedewerkers.
Het Chemisch Practicum is in 2016 vernieuwd, zodat het boek aansluit op de nieuwe regelgeving die geldt voor het werken met chemicaliƫn. Denk daarbij aan veilig werken met chemicaliƫn, etikettering en aanduiding van gevaarlijke stoffen en grenswaarden.
In Het Chemisc...
Green Chemistry / 1st revised edition
An Introductory Text
2016 || Hardcover || Mike Lancaster || Royal Society of Chemistry
Sustainable development, the circular economy and environmental issues are at the forefront of public and Government concern. The field of green chemistry aims to provide environmentally benign products from sustainable resources, using processes that do not harm people or the environment at the same time as helping solve key societal problems such as climate change. Updated throughout, this third edition features an expanded section on legislation, a revised chapter on measurement, and a com...