Studieboeken (7)
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Natuurwetenschappen en archeologie. Methode en Interpretatie. / Druk 2
methode en interpretatie
2021 || Paperback || Patrick Degryse e.a. || Acco
Natuurwetenschappen en archeologie brengt een overzicht van de analysemethoden die gebruikt worden binnen ecologisch-archeologisch onderzoek. Die invalshoek is in het Nederlandstalig taalgebied uniek.
Archeologie bestudeert het menselijk handelen in het verleden aan de hand van opgegraven stoffelijke resten. Sinds de jaren zestig kregen natuurwetenschappelijke benaderingen daarbij steeds meer aandacht. Een reconstructie van de mens in zijn omgeving is niet mogelijk zonder een studie van plant...
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Irrigating the Desert
Water Management, Agricultural Practices, and Social Complexity in Southern Turkmenistan during the Bronze Age
2025 || Paperback || Roberto Arciero || Leiden University Press
Ancient civilizations often developed near major rivers, like in Egypt and Mesopotamia. In Central Asia, the Murghab alluvial fan in southern Turkmenistan was central to the emergence of the Bactria-Margiana Archaeological Complex (BMAC), also known as the Oxus Civilization, during the third and second millennia BCE. The local alluvial fan was central for the productive agriculture at the basis of the region's urban centers and the wealth that accumulated in these societies.
This volume expl...
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The Handle Core Concept
Lithic Technology and Knowledge Transmission in Mesolithic Northern Europe
2024 || Paperback || Sandra Söderlind || Sidestone Press Dissertations
This work deals with topics related to mobility, contacts and transmission of knowledge. The study of these topics regarding the past can promote an understanding of the social implications of migration, communication and learning today through long-term perspectives of change. This volume focuses on these topics in the Mesolithic by analysing a specialised lithic concept known previously from Scandinavia and Northern Germany. The implementation of the Handle Core Pressure Concept (HCPC) is b...
Geographical Information Systems in Archaeology / 1st edition
2006 || Paperback || James Conolly e.a. || Cambridge University Press
Geographical Information Systems has moved from the domain of the computer specialist into the wider archaeological community, providing it with an exciting new research method. This clearly written but rigorous book provides a comprehensive guide to that use. Topics covered include: the theoretical context and the basics of GIS; data acquisition including database design; interpolation of elevation models; exploratory data analysis including spatial queries; statistical spatial analysis; map...
An Introduction to Museum Archaeology / 1st edition
2007 || Paperback || Hedley Swain || Cambridge University Press
An Introduction to Museum Archaeology provides a comprehensive survey and synthesis of all aspects of current museum practice in relation to the discipline of archaeology. Drawing heavily on examples it deconstructs the different challenges posed by trying to tell archaeological stories in museum buildings, and on related sites. The final section sums up the state of museum archaeology in the early 21st century and discusses the major issues it is currently confronting.
There is also a detail...
Museum Object Lessons for the Digital Age / 1st edition
2018 || Paperback || Haidy Geismar || UCL Press
Among the challenges museums face when displaying digital objects are widely held assumptions about the nature of these objects and the material, social, and political foundations of digital art practices.
Museum Object Lessons for the Digital Age urges readers to question their assumptions through four wide-ranging chapters, each focused on a single object—a box, a pen, an effigy, and a cloak. The book begins with an introduction exploring the legacies of older forms of media and earlier m...
Epistemology, Economics, and Ethics
A Practical Philosophy of Prehistoric Archaeology
2023 || Paperback || Konrad Ott || Sidestone Press Academics
This book is intended to be a groundwork of how to theorise prehistory and archaeology and how to make connectivities between the past and the present. It is divided into four parts. The first part is epistemological. It explains why there must be theoretical investments if past ways of human life are to be understood and explained. This insight is specified to a ladder-model (sensu Hawkes) with conceptual scaffoldings on each step. Stepwise, sets of concepts are introduced. This constitutes ...