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Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

Core Java / 12th edition

Fundamentals, Volume 1

2022 || Paperback || Cay Horstmann || Pearson

The #1 Java Guide for Serious Programmers: Fully Updated through Java 17

"This is the definitive reference and instructional work for Java and the Java ecosystem."

---Andrew Binstock, Java Magazine

Core Java, Volume I: Fundamentals, Twelfth Edition,

is the definitive guide to writing robust, maintainable code. Whatever version of Java you are using---up to and including Java 17---this book will help you achieve a deep and practical understanding of the language and APIs. With ...

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

Core Java / 12th edition

Advanced Features, Volume 2

2022 || Paperback || Cay Horstmann || Pearson

The Classic Guide to Advanced Java Programming: Fully Updated for Java 17 "This is the definitive reference and instructional work for Java and the Java ecosystem."--Andrew Binstock, Java Magazine Core Java is the leading no-nonsense tutorial and reference for experienced programmers who want to write robust Java code for real-world applications. Now, Core Java, Volume II: Advanced Features, Twelfth Edition, has been revised to cover the new features and enhancements in the Java 17 long-term ...

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen
met 5% korting 47,50

Logistics: Principles and Practice + website

2011 || Paperback || Visser e.a. || Cologic

Logistics: Principles and Practice is a general introduction to logistics. The specialized field of logistics is growing fast. Fulfilling orders on time is of crucial importance in the modern age of internet economy and just-in-time production.

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Leading Change

With a New Preface by the Author

2012 || Hardcover || John P. Kotter || Harvard Business Review Press

The international bestseller--now with a new preface by author John Kotter. Millions worldwide have read and embraced John Kotter's ideas on change management and leadership. From the ill-fated dot-com bubble to unprecedented M&A activity to scandal, greed, and ultimately, recession--we've learned that widespread and difficult change is no longer the exception.

It's the rule. Now with a new preface, this refreshed edition of the global bestseller Leading Change is more relevant than ever. Joh...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen


The Final Edition

2021 || Paperback || Richard H. Thaler e.a. || Penguin

*Once again a New York Times bestseller! First the original edition, and now the new Final Edition* An essential new edition revised and updated from cover to cover of one of the most important books of the last two decades, by Nobel Prize winner Richard H. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein More than 2 million copies sold Since the original publication of Nudge more than a decade ago, the title has entered the vocabulary of businesspeople, policy makers, engaged citizens, and consumers everywhere. ...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Mann's Introductory Statistics / 9th edition

2017 || Paperback || Prem S. Mann || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

Mann's Introductory Statistics is written for a one or two semester first course in applied statistics and is intended for students who do not have a strong background in mathematics. The only prerequisite is knowledge of elementary algebra. Introductory Statistics is known for its realistic examples and exercises, clarity and brevity of presentation, and soundness of pedagogical approach.

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen
met 5% korting 40,80

Thematische woordenschat Duits

|| Forst || Intertaal

Doelgroep: Jongeren en volwassenen die hun kennis van het Duits aanzienlijk willen uitbreiden

meer dan 5600 trefwoorden

34 thematische hoofdstukken, verdeeld in subthema's

verduidelijking van de trefwoorden door voorbeeldzinnen. woordcombinaties en idiomatische uitdrukkingen

vertaling in het Nederlands van woorden en zinnen

informatiekaders met uitleg en tips omtrent grammatica, woordvorming en woordgebruik, en valse vrienden

praktische tips bij het gebruik van het boek

overzicht van de uitsp...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Algorithms / 4th Edition

2011 || Hardcover || Robert Sedgewick e.a. || Pearson

The leading introduction to computer algorithms in use today, including fifty algorithms every programmer should know Princeton Computer Science professors, Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne, survey the most important computer algorithms in use and of interest to anyone working in science, mathematics, and engineering, and those who use computation in the liberal arts. They provide a full treatment of data structures and algorithms for key areas that enable you to confidently implement, debug,...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary / 10th edition

With 2 years' access to both premium online and app

2020 || Paperback || Diana Lea e.a. || Oxford University Press

The Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary is the world's bestselling advanced level dictionary for learners of English. Now in its 10th edition, the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, or OALD, is your complete guide to learning English vocabulary with definitions that learners can understand, example sentences showing language in use, and the new Oxford 3000 (TM) and Oxford 5000 (TM) word lists providing core vocabulary that every student needs to learn. OALD is more than a dictionary.


Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Practice of English Language Teaching / 5th edition

2015 || Hardcover || Jeremy Harmer || Pearson

The highly acclaimed Practice of English Language Teaching is the essential guide for teachers of English in a wide range of contexts. The fifth edition has been revised to reflect new developments in language teaching. It explains current pedagogy to teachers who want to access the most relevant ELT practices and incorporate them into their lessons.