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Studieboeken (102)
Sensors and Actuators
Engineering System Instrumentation
2015 || Hardcover || Clarence W. de Silva || Taylor & Francis
An engineering system contains multiple components that interconnect to perform a specific task. Starting from basic fundamentals through to advanced applications, Sensors and Actuators: Engineering System Instrumentation, Second Edition thoroughly explains the inner workings of an engineering system. The text first provides introductory material-practical procedures and applications in the beginning-and then methodically integrates more advanced techniques, theory, and concepts throughout th...
Global Information Warfare / 2nd edition
The New Digital Battlefield
2015 || Hardcover || Andrew Jones e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Since the turn of the century much has happened in politics, governments, spying, technology, global business, mobile communications, and global competition on national and corporate levels. These sweeping changes have nearly annihilated privacy anywhere in the world and have also affected how global information warfare is waged and what must be done to counter its attacks.
In light of increased attacks since 2002, Global Information Warfare: The New Digital Battlefield, Second Edition provid...