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2020 (36)
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Studieboeken (262)

Een overzicht van studieboeken die relevant zijn binnen het onderwijs.

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Play Therapy / 3rd edition

The Art of the Relationship

2012 || Paperback || Garry L. Landreth || Taylor & Francis

Play Therapy: The Art of the Relationship is the newest incarnation of Garry Landreth's comprehensive text on creating therapeutic relationships with children through play. It details the Child-Centered Play Therapy model, which stresses the importance of understanding the child's world and perspective. This approach facilitates the play therapy process while allowing therapist and client to fully connect.

Professors who have taught a course based on the previous edition will be pleased to fi...

Levertijd: 7 werkdagen

Oxford Handbook of Tropical Medicine / 5th edition

2022 || Paperback || Robert Davidson e.a. || Oxford University Press

The new edition of this unique handbook continues to provide an accessible and comprehensive, signs-and-symptoms based source of information on medical problems commonly seen in the tropics. A practical guide to diagnosis and management for medical practitioners and students, it provides vital information at the reader's fingertips.