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Studieboeken (25)
Een overzicht van studieboeken die relevant zijn binnen het onderwijs.
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Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 2023
2025 || Paperback || P.J. Blount e.a. || Eleven international publishing
This volume contains the proceedings of the 66th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space held in October 2023 in Baku, Azerbaijan, as well as the report of the IISL Standing Committee on the Status of International Agreements Relating to Activities in Outer Space.
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Dilemmas beyond Bars
A realist evaluation of an ethics training program for prison officers in two Belgian prisons
2023 || Paperback || Milou Van Dijk || Eleven international publishing
Prison officers have been described as key determinants of the prison experience for prisoners, yet up until recently this occupational group was largely ignored in academic research. Although society often sees prison officers simply as ‘keepers of the keys’, the existing research has shown the job to be much more complex.
In this book, the author explores an element of the prison officer’s job that is still understudied: the existence of ethical dilemmas. In doing so, this book highli...
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Teaching Comparative Law: Experiences and Reflections
2024 || Paperback || K. Boele-Woelki || Eleven international publishing
Author Katharina Boele-Woelki reports on her many years of teaching comparative law. This volume is addressed to (young) academics teaching comparative law and to all those interested in the questions of what, when, who, why and how. Three aspects need to be considered. In terms of the subject matter, the challenge is to focus either on the history and use of comparative law, on introductions to different legal systems, on teaching a particular area of law from a comparative perspective, or o...
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Corporate Governance in the Netherlands / Druk 2
A practical guide to the Corporate Governance Code
2024 || Paperback || R. Kleipool e.a. || Eleven international publishing
The Dutch Corporate Governance Code contains principles and best practice provisions addressing the relationship between management board, supervisory board, shareholders and other stakeholders at Dutch listed companies. This book provides practical guidance explaining these principles and best practice provisions and offering insights into the Code’s structure and background. In December 2022, the fourth version of the Code was published, incorporating societal themes such as sustainable l...
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Effective Cross-Border Pension Information in the Face of Multi-Level Legal Systems
2023 || Paperback || S.P.M. Kramer || Eleven international publishing
A growing number of mobile individuals, who take advantage of their European freedoms of movement, face a lack of comprehensive pension information. This obstacle can hinder those who need pension information the most in making well-informed retirement decisions, which are crucial given the ongoing importance of a sufficient pension across Europe. This book investigates the fitness of regulatory frameworks at national (Netherlands and Germany), European, and international levels governing the...
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In Anticipation of a Future Period of Incapacity
The Dutch ‘Levenstestament’ from a Legal, Empirical and Comparative Perspective
2024 || Paperback || H.N. Stelma-Roorda || Eleven international publishing
With an ageing population, the number of people with dementia is expected to increase in the coming decades. Dementia can seriously impair a person’s ability to act and decide. In the Netherlands, adults can provide for such a future period of incapacity through a so-called levenstestament. A levenstestament can include the appointment of an attorney for financial, medical and/or personal matters, but also the adult’s wishes, preferences and instructions regarding these matters. Over the ...
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Implementation of the EU Preventive Restructuring Directive
2023 || Paperback || G.J. Boon e.a. || Eleven international publishing
In 2019, the European Parliament and the Council adopted the Preventive Restructuring Directive (2019/1023), providing for minimum harmonisation of, among others, preventive restructuring frameworks (PRF). This book provides in-depth analyses of its implementation in seven European countries: Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, The Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. Whereas Member States of the European Union were under a duty to complete implementation by July 2022, the United Kingd...
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Project Management / Druk 3
a professional approach to events
2017 || Paperback || Jan Verhaar e.a. || Eleven international publishing
Project management is characterised by systematic and integral control of the development process, from creative idea to concrete product. This book concentrates on the management of event projects. Events such as festivals, exhibitions, conferences, arts productions, sports events and company events draw a lot of attention. An initiative frequently ends in failure, because the funding cannot be finalised, deadlines are not met or budgets are exceeded. The professional approach of a project c...
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A guide to practice-based (social) legal research
10 steps to graduation
2021 || Paperback || V.A. Meijer e.a. || Eleven international publishing || met inkijkexemplaar
This textbook is the English translation of Wegwijs in praktijkgericht (sociaal)juridisch onderzoek (2e druk).
Having trouble conducting your research or fi nding it difficult to carry out practice-based research? This book shows students in higher education how to approach and conduct practice-based (social) legal research. Furthermore, it off ers tools and guidelines for the design and implementation of (social) legal research.
Practical experience has shown us that many (internatio...
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Facing the Past
Policies and Good Practices for Responses to Illegal Intercountry Adoptions
2024 || Hardcover || Elvira Loibl e.a. || Eleven international publishing
In a growing number of countries, inquiries into past intercountry adoptions take place that identify systemic abuses and irregularities and conclude that adoption stakeholders encouraged or facilitated illegal intercountry adoptions. However, so far, the response from these stakeholders has been inadequate in addressing the profound human rights violations endured by those affected by illegal adoptions. Despite the growing movement of adoptees advocating for justice on behalf of themselves a...