Studieboeken (8)
Een overzicht van studieboeken die relevant zijn binnen het onderwijs.
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The Power of Music Thinking
Listen, Tune, Play & Perform
2022 || Paperback || Christof Zürn || BIS Publishers || met inkijkexemplaar
The Power of Music Thinking allows users to construct a new model for innovative business by using a musical analogy. The book challenges you to embrace various perspectives simultaneously, boost collaboration, and guide readers towards refining their leadership skills. Instead of approaching business as various silos, Music Thinking treats organizations as an orchestra, with each part having its tune to add.
Split into four sections - Listen, Tune, Play, and Perform - this book breaks dow...
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Design, Play, Change
A Playful Introduction to Design Thinking
2022 || Paperback || Agnes Willenborg e.a. || BIS Publishers
Design, Play, Change is a game and a book providing 36 design methods that will help shift the creative process of the users and help them work collaboratively to overcome problems they face.
This book is designed for those looking to enter into the world of design thinking, the easy-to-follow game format making this an accessible, light-hearted, yet powerful place to begin. Balancing a detailed knowledge of the field with design methods that bring out creative ways of thinking, the book is a...
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Lick It (NL)
2022 || Paperback || Marije Vogelzang || BIS Publishers
Aan de hand van 32 unieke voedsel-'çhallenges' verspreid over 22 hoofdstukken, word je op een speelse manier uitgedaagd om anders naar jouw eten te kijken.
Veel mensen denken dat eten alleen maar gaat over lekker koken, diëten of over duurzaamheid. Maar uiteindelijk komt het erop neer dat eten over jou gaat. Alleen jìj kan besluiten dat je die wilde aardbei plukt en in je mond stopt - en het daarmee eten maakt.
LICK IT is een gids. Een boek dat je mee op reis neemt om de magische en creati...
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Design Journeys through Complex Systems
Practice Tools for Systemic Design
2022 || Paperback || Peter Jones e.a. || BIS Publishers || met inkijkexemplaar
Design Journeys through Complex Systems combines systemic design, leading thinking practices, and years of the combined authors’ experiences into a practitioner’s handbook for design thinking. By drawing upon the authors’ Systemic Design Toolkit, this book provides detailed knowledge of systems science, expanding upon essential systemic design texts in order to demonstrate the power of visual sensemaking.
No matter if you’re a design professional or have never come across design syste...
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Don't Fck Up Your Baby
The Ultimate Guide to Raising Your Newborn Brand
2022 || Paperback || Coen Luijten e.a. || BIS Publishers || met inkijkexemplaar
Newborn brands are like babies, you can be very proud of it and feel great love for it. They can also take up all your time and give you sleepless nights. This doesn’t matter, if they grow up to be big (and strong), it was all worth it. To prepare children for the big world, you have to help them develop their personalities, let them get the best out of their DNA.
The same goes for a newborn brand, successfully nurturing a project is an all-encompassing process. There’s a lot that comes w...
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This Human - Design Character
Know who you are as a designer
2022 || Paperback || Dr Melis Senova || BIS Publishers
As the second book in the ‘this human’ series, Design Character explores the values, ethics, and motivations behind every designer. It helps the reader navigate their inner world and create an authentic practice that is deeply informed by who they are at their core.
Perfect for a designer, or anyone keen to understand how values inform their actions, this book is for those wanting to have more impact with their work and accelerate mastery in their practice.
We have entered an era that a...
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Lick It
Challenge the way you experience food
2022 || Paperback || Marije Vogelzang || BIS Publishers
Lick It: Challenge the way you experience food
Over the course of 32 unique food challenges, 22 chapters of alternate angles, and countless insights from food design theory, Lick It will radically transform your relationship to food.
Through 24 unique challenges, a diverse range of angles, and detailed insights into the world of food design, Lick It will radically transform your relationship to food.
Whether mealtimes are your favourite part of the day or you're in the camp of ‘eat to live'...
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Design for Sustainability Survival Guide
2022 || Paperback || Conny Bakker e.a. || BIS Publishers
Design for Sustainability Survival Guide concerns all the details on applying sustainability requirements in design. It is a critical and concise overview of the important facts from all imaginable angles. The book is written and illustrated to inform, support and inspire future designers.
The guide covers everything in sustainability: from personal reader experience to universal guiding principles, from energy use and the flow of materials to the role of time, consumption, use, circularity a...