Studieboeken (6)
Een overzicht van studieboeken die relevant zijn binnen het onderwijs.
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Export planning met MyLab / Druk 2
A 10-step approach
2021 || Paperback || Joris Leeman || Pearson || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook
When a company initiates export development and internationalisation, it is essential to follow a systematic strategy formulation and decisionmaking process. Export Planning provides a methodology to plan and achieve globalisation. This process of export planning consists of four phases: export policy, export audit, export plan, and export roll-out. Export Planning describes these 4 phases and provides a 10-step guide for the construction of an international marketing plan.
Export Planning w...
Vielfalt B2.1
Kurs- und Arbeitsbuch plus interaktive Version
2021 || Paperback || Dagmar Giersberg e.a. || Max Hueber Verlag
ielfalt – Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremdsprache
Kurs- und Arbeitsbuch Vielfalt B2.1 – Buch inklusive Code zur interaktiven Version
Zielgruppe: Erwachsene und Jugendliche ab 16 Jahren in B2-Kursen
• inklusive Code für interaktive Version
• modularer Aufbau: 4 Module mit je drei kurzen Lektionen
• emotionaler Moduleinstieg mit Film: unterschiedlichste Protagonistinnen und Protagonisten ermöglichen einen persönlichen Einstieg in die aktuellen, lebensnahen und vielfältige...
Key Concepts in Politics and International Relations
2021 || Paperback || Andrew Heywood || Bloomsbury Publishing
This accessible guide to the major concepts in politics has now been revised and expanded to include over 60 international relations terms to take account of the increasing influence of globalization upon politics. Each concept is defined clearly and fully, and its significance for political understanding is explored.
American Civilization / 8th edition
An Introduction
2021 || Paperback || David Mauk e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Fully updated throughout to include recent themes and events such as the 2020 election and 2021 Presidential inauguration, providing students with a current overview of US politics and society. Chapters on geography, women and minorities, and the media have been comprehensively revised to incorporate more information on such themes as environmental legislation, the LGBTQ+ community, social media and people, key themes in the study of American culture and society today, ensuring students get a...
Cultural Theory and Popular Culture
An Introduction
2021 || Paperback || John Storey || Taylor & Francis
In this ninth edition of his award-winning introduction, John Storey presents a clear and critical survey of competing theories of, and various approaches to, popular culture. Its breadth and theoretical unity, exemplified through popular culture, means that it can be flexibly and relevantly applied across a number of disciplines. Retaining the accessible approach of previous editions and using appropriate examples from the texts and practices of popular culture, this new edition remains a ke...
Wir Orientieren uns in Deutschland Topografisches Arbeitsheft
Topographische Übungshefte. Neubearbeitung. 5./6. Schuljahr. Karten, Rätsel, Spiele
2021 || Paperback || Otto Berger e.a. || Cornelsen Verlag || met inkijkexemplaar
Wir orientieren uns ist schulformübergreifend und lehrbuchunabhängig einzusetzen. In den Heften werden die Räume Deutschland, Europa und die Welt für die Klassenstufen 5/6, 7/8 und 9/10 behandelt. Die Arbeitsaufträge sind durch Rätsel, Spiele, Quizfragen und stumme Karten äußerst abwechslungsreich. Eine Testseite Prüfe dein Wissen schließt jede Einheit ab.