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Een overzicht van studieboeken die relevant zijn binnen het onderwijs.
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Klein's Organic Chemistry / 3rd edition
Global edition
2018 || Paperback || David R. Klein || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Klein's Organic Chemistry, Global Edition is not merely a compilation of principles, but rather, it is a disciplined method of thought and analysis. Success in organic chemistry requires mastery in two core aspects: fundamental concepts and the skills needed to apply those concepts and solve problems. This book employs a skills-based approach to bridge the gap between theory and practice.
It provides extensive coverage of the principles and helps students become proficient at approaching new ...
Biochemistry: A Short Course / 4th edition
2018 || Paperback || John L. Tymoczko e.a. || Macmillan
Derived from the classic text originated by Lubert Stryer and continued by John Tymoczko and Jeremy Berg, Biochemistry: A Short Course focuses on the major topics taught in a one-semester biochemistry course. With its brief chapters and relevant examples, this thoroughly updated new edition helps students see the connections between the biochemistry they are studying and their own lives. Biochemistry: A Short Course is now supported in Achieve, Macmillan's new online learning platform.