Studieboeken (4)
Een overzicht van studieboeken die relevant zijn binnen het onderwijs.
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Zo werkt Affinity Designer
2020 || Paperback || Mark van Heck || Van Duuren Media || met inkijkexemplaar
Handig om te weten: van dit boek is een webversie beschikbaar. Als u zich registreert, krijgt u gratis toegang, plus relevante extra’s.
Wilt u kraakheldere illustraties maken? Logo’s die u net zo scherp op postzegel- als op vrachtwagenformaat kunt gebruiken? Technische tekeningen, schema’s, plattegronden en diagrammen met rekenkundige nauwkeurigheid? Wilt u uw tekeningen bovendien met precisie kunnen bijwerken, combineren met fotografie en zonder kwaliteitsverlies kunnen verwerken? Leer...
Discovering GIS and ArcGIS
2020 || Paperback || Bradley A. Shellito || Macmillan
Teaching students both the theory and practice of GIS using Arc GIS Pro.
Discovering GIS and ArcGIS Pro provides students with hands-on work with GIS software, while explaining the process behind each application. This text teaches students how to combine GIS concepts with ArcGIS Pro software skills, preparing them for successful careers in the real world. Each chapter focuses on using a variety of ArcGIS tools in a real-world context from calculating the distance between two library branches...
Understanding Statistics in Psychology with SPSS / 8th Edition
2023 || Paperback || Dennis Howitt e.a. || Pearson
Understanding Statistics in Psychology with SPSS, eighth edition, offers students a trusted, straightforward, and engaging way of learning to do statistical analyses confidently using SPSS. Comprehensive and practical, the text is organised into short accessible chapters, making it the ideal text for undergraduate psychology students needing to get to grips with statistics in class or independently. Clear diagrams and full colour screenshots from SPSS make the text suitable for beginners whil...
Enterprise Governance of Information Technology / 3rd edition
Achieving Alignment and Value in Digital Organizations
2020 || Paperback || Steven De Haes e.a. || Springer
This book integrates theoretical advances and empirical data on Enterprise Governance in Information Technology (EGIT) with practical applications based on numerous case examples. The third revised edition of Enterprise Governance of Information Technology provides professionals and students with the most recent research advancements as well as an in-depth discussion of the recently-introduced Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies (COBIT) 2019 framework which can be used...