Studieboeken (6)
Een overzicht van studieboeken die relevant zijn binnen het onderwijs.
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Political Geography of Cities and Regions
Changing Legitimacy and Identity
2024 || Paperback || Kees Terlouw || Taylor & Francis
This monograph presents a novel typology of relational and territorial perspectives on legitimacy and identity. This typology is then applied to two different political and historical contexts, namely the trajectories of the metropolitan region Amsterdam in the Netherlands and the metropolitan region Ruhr in Germany. The historical discussion spans 500 years, providing valuable depth to the study.
Taken as a whole, the book provides a new perspective within the territorial-relational dichotom...
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Political Geography / 7th Edition
World-Economy, Nation-State and Locality
2018 || Paperback || Colin Flint e.a. || Taylor & Francis
The new and updated seventh edition of Political Geography once again shows itself fit to tackle a frequently and rapidly changing geopolitical landscape. It retains the intellectual clarity, rigour and vision of previous editions based upon its world-systems approach, and is complemented by the perspective of feminist geography. The book successfully integrates the complexity of individuals with the complexity of the world-economy by merging the compatible, but different, research agendas of...
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Democratie in crisis
De wereld verandert, nu de overheid nog
2021 || Paperback || Maarten Koningsveld || S2 Uitgevers || met inkijkexemplaar
We leven in een wereld waarin echt nieuws niet langer van ‘fake news’ te onderscheiden is. Waar je op basis van persoonlijke voorkeuren door onbegrijpelijke algoritmes precies de informatie aangeboden krijgt die past bij jouw wereldbeeld. En waarin de verschillen tussen de wereld van politiek en de wereld van grote technologiebedrijven steeds groter worden. Terwijl die bedrijven zich steeds meer als een overheid gedragen: ze leggen nieuwe vormen van infrastructuur aan en oordelen over wat...
An Introduction to Political Geography / 2nd edition
Space, Place and Politics
2014 || Paperback || Martin Jones e.a. || Taylor & Francis
An Introduction to Political Geography continues to provide a broad-based introduction to contemporary political geography for students following undergraduate degree courses in geography and related subjects. The text explores the full breadth of contemporary political geography, covering not only traditional concerns such as the state, geopolitics, electoral geography and nationalism; but also increasing important areas at the cutting-edge of political geography research including globaliza...
Territories / 2nd Edition
The Claiming of Space
2011 || Paperback || David Storey || Taylor & Francis
Politics and political relationships underpin the world we live in. From the division of the earth's surface into separate states to the placement of 'keep out' signs, territorial strategies to control geographic space can be used to assert, maintain or resist power and as a force for oppression or liberation. Forms of exclusion can be consolidated and reinforced through territorial practices, yet they can also be resisted through similar means.
Territoriality can be seen as the spatial expre...
Political Geography
Approaches, Concepts, Futures
2023 || Paperback || Rachael Squire e.a. || SAGE
Designed as a core text for undergraduate students. Politcal Geography employs a novel and accessible structure to guide students through the key Approaches, Concepts, and Futures of Political Geography.Â