Studieboeken (3)
Een overzicht van studieboeken die relevant zijn binnen het onderwijs.
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Kern van het internationaal publiekrecht
2022 || Hardcover || André Nollkaemper || Boom uitgevers Den Haag || met inkijkexemplaar
Internationaal publiekrecht helpt staten om wereldwijd gemeenschappelijke belangen te beschermen. Het houdt zich bezig met actuele problemen, zoals klimaatverandering, duurzaamheid, vrede en veiligheid, rechten van de mens en bestrijding van armoede. Internationaal publiekrecht is ook van belang voor de dagelijkse praktijk in Nederland. Als gevolg van internationalisering en globalisering kan het in Nederland geldende recht niet meer worden begrepen zonder kennis van internationaal publiekrec...
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Almost Human
Law and Human Agency in the Time of Artificial Intelligence
2021 || Paperback || Andrew Murray || T.M.C. Asser Press
Andrew Murray on his lecture ‘Almost Human: Law and Human Agency in the Time of Artificial Intelligence’:
‘Law is about agency – the human capacity to act independently and to make our own free choices. As Jeremy Webber observes, “Law is consciously created” and is the distillation of the collective agency of a society, group, or culture. The rule of law is the ultimate distillation of this principle: the clear spirit of human choice in the purest form.
However, the process of dat...
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EU Law as a Creative Process
A hermeneutic approach for the EU internal market and fundamental rights protection.
2021 || Paperback || Pauline Phoa || Europa Law Publishing
All legal texts tell us stories, in many ways. What stories, what narratives, can be found in the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union? This book invites the reader to think of the world of EU law as a creative process. From such a perspective, the adjudicative praxis of the Court is an intellectual, cultural, literary activity, in which the reader can imagine him- or herself participating.
The author develops a novel hermeneutic methodology to examine the textual performanc...