Studieboeken (8)
Een overzicht van studieboeken die relevant zijn binnen het onderwijs.
morgen verzonden
Eeuwen des onderscheids / Druk 8
een geschiedenis van Middeleeuws Europa
2016 || Paperback || Wim Blockmans e.a. || Bert Bakker
Wie aan de middeleeuwen denkt, ziet een wereld voor zich van koene ridders en horige boeren, van hoofse liefde en barbaars geweld, van saamhorigheid en tweespalt, vazallentrouw en koningsverraad, duistere kerkers en lichtende kathedralen, van koopmanskoggen en drakenschepen, van zwarte dood en onwankelbaar geloof.
Dit tweekoppige beeld is het product van renaissance en romantiek. Het hangt aan elkaar van onuitroeibare clichés die feitelijk betrekking hebben op beperkte en door de verbeelding...
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Geschiedenis schrijven!
Wegwijzer voor historici
2021 || Paperback || Jeannette Kamp e.a. || Amsterdam University Press || met inkijkexemplaar
'Geschiedenis schrijven! Wegwijzer voor historici' biedt (aankomende) historici heldere richtlijnen voor de verschillende fasen van historisch onderzoek. Hoe kom je tot een goede vraagstelling? Hoe ga je om met de bronnen van het verleden? Hoe baan je je een weg door de literatuur? De wegwijzer maakt de lezer vertrouwd met de invloed van de digitalisering op het historisch handwerk en toont de geldende standaards met betrekking tot een geschreven of gesproken historisch betoog. Geschiedenis s...
A Short History of Nearly Everything
2016 || Paperback || Bill Bryson || Transworld Publishers Ltd
The author describes himself as a reluctant traveller, but even when he stays safely at home he can't contain his curiosity about the world around him. This title is about his quest to understand everything that has happened from the Big Bang to the rise of civilization - how we got from there, being nothing at all, to here, being us.
History by Numbers
An Introduction to Quantitative Approaches
2016 || Paperback || Prof. Pat Hudson e.a. || Bloomsbury Publishing
Fully updated and carefully revised, this new 2nd edition of History by Numbers stands alone as the only textbook on quantitative methods suitable for students of history. Even the numerically challenged will find inspiration. Taking a problem-solving approach and using authentic historical data, it describes each method in turn, including its origin, purpose, usefulness and associated pitfalls.
The problems are developed gradually and with narrative skill, allowing readers to experience the ...
The Almoravid and Almohad Empires
2016 || Paperback || Amira K. Bennison || Edinburgh University Press
A comprehensive account of two of the most important empires in medieval North Africa whose rule fostered the emergence of the Islamic society which endured, in Morocco especially, until the early 20th century. Amira K. Bennison focuses on these dynasties from a positive perspective, placing them in their proper context of medieval Mediterranean and Islamic history.
American Cultural Studies / 4th edition
An Introduction to American Culture
2016 || Paperback || Neil Campbell e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Exploring the central themes in modern American cultural studies and discussing how these themes can be interpreted, American Cultural Studies offers a wide-ranging overview of different aspects of American cultural life such as religion, gender and sexuality, regionalism, and ethnicity and immigration. The fourth edition has been revised throughout to take into account the developments of the last four years. Updates and revisions include:discussion of Barack Obama's time in the White Housec...
A History of the Modern Middle East / 6th edition
2016 || Paperback || William L. Cleveland e.a. || Taylor & Francis
A History of the Modern Middle East examines the profound and often dramatic transformations of the region in the past two centuries, from the Ottoman and Egyptian reforms, through the challenge of Western imperialism, to the impact of US foreign policies. Built around a framework of political history, while also carefully integrating social, cultural, and economic developments, this expertly crafted account provides readers with the most comprehensive, balanced and penetrating analysis of th...
Oral History Theory / 3rd edition
2016 || Paperback || Lynn Abrams || Taylor & Francis
Oral history is increasingly acknowledged as a key tool for anyone studying the history of the recent past, and Oral History Theory provides a comprehensive, systematic and accessible overview of this important field. Combining the study of theories drawn from disciplines ranging from linguistics to psychoanalysis with the observations of practitioners and including extensive examples of oral history practice from around the world, this book constitutes the first integrated discussion of oral...